Nurseries and Baby Gear


We had a brown bookshelf in our basement that we weren't using for anything special so we figured we would use it for DD's nursery. I painted it yesterday to match her room and think it is going to look so pretty!


Re: Bookshelf

  • So fun!!  I wish I had one to repaint, I have to buy a new one!
  • imageFlyswmer:
    So fun!!  I wish I had one to repaint, I have to buy a new one!

    Thanks! I was debating on just buying a new one since there was a white one for sale at Big Lots for $29.99 but it was fun painting the shelves different colors.

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  • looks great! i have a black one i was thinking about using but i dont know how well you can turn black into a white one i was thinking maybe kilz or something... but you did a really good job love the colors! i want to see the whole rooM!
  • Looks wonderful!  We have one in the basement that we were not sure what to do with.  Looks like we can hang onto it and make some good use of it in the future.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Looks great!  I'd want to steal it for myself.
  • That is so cute! I love the pink & green shelves.

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