I ordered mine last week and it got here super quick, I already had a ton of compliments on it and when she mailed it to me she included a little present for LO! So cute! Here's her email if you want to request one, it was like $9 with shipping I think... My SIL is getting one in pink for her little girl due in Nov. Tell her mrs.priss7 referred you cause I think I get something free, idk what though
Re: Rave! Gender bracelet!!!
Chemical Pregnancy 10/5/10
BFP 2/7/11--m/c 2/12/11
TTD pics taken by knottie jen&louie
You can't link to a picture in your inbox, doesn't work.
You have the photo to your desktop and then upload it to somewhere like tinypic or photobucket.
it's called a kilt, he's scottish
K lets see if this is smaller...
Cute! Did I miss something though... Where is her email address?
And does she make a green one for those of us not finding out, I wonder?
ok,ok heres a link
Talk about being a flake! ugh these hormones will kill me yet, heres the email...
her name is constance
Hello everyone! This is Constance, and I made the bracelet that Melissa is modeling above. I recently changed to a new website: www.cddstore.com that will have its grand opening on Saturday, September 12, 2009. If you are interested in a bracelet like this, you can email me at constancesmith@cddstore.com or carpediemdesignsrws@gmail.com. As Melissa said, the bracelet is $9 including shipping. I can make it in just about any color you want (although most people want pink or blue) with the tag that says "It's a Boy" or "It's a Girl". When you make your order, please let me know that you found out about me from Melissa (aka Mrs.Priss7).
THANK YOU, Melissa!!!! Congratulations and good luck!