I am looking for reviews on Ragazzi furniture. I would like reviews on the current product line, Ertruria. All I have been able to find are somewhat negative reviews from what happened in 2006. (Bought out by another company)
If anyone has any input on the current furniture, I would appreciate it.
Re: Ragazzi Reviews
i am not aware of any reviews, but i have seen it in person and thought it was very nice. ragazzi (maybe classico) was one of our finalist choices. we bought from a local NYC boutique and the owner of the store seemed positive on ragazzi and pretty opinionated about only carrying good, reliable brands across different price ranges.
we ended up going with romina. hoping it arrives soon!
I've seen Ragazzi in the Atlanta area. They did go out of business in 2006, but the brand was bought out by another company.