Come out, come out where ever you are! Waiting to hear.....

TTC #1 Cycle #18
m/c Jan. 9, 2007,
chemical pg May 4, 2007,
methotrexate shot Oct. 5, 2007--m/c Oct. 9, 2007,
IUI Nov. 17, 2007 It worked! beta 11/30 & 12/6
TTC #2
Cycle #5
IUI July 20, 2009 -BFN 8-3-09
Cycle #6
IUI August 17, 2009-BFP! 8-31-09, beta 9-1-09, 9-8-09, saw the H/B 9-22-09
EDD 5-10-10
Re: ~~~Ooooh, Peeezzzz~~~
I'm joing in in on this one!
Where are you??? We are waiting!
sorry, internet access at work is limited.
and i had to clean up cat puke this morning.
and the answer sucks.
bfn. and i have no hopes b/c i'm seeing more bleeding, light and watery.
I'm sorry! That stinks! lots of <<hugs>>!!
it's not over yet. there's still 4pts of hope according to the early pregnancy signs calculator on ff.
who can drink and wants to go get drunk??? (i know i shouldn't but i so want to! i actually held off on alcohol during this 2ww........)