Nurseries and Baby Gear

NBR: Iron-On Transfer me please!

I know this soooo is not board related but im frustrated.  I am making a sash...well my mom is and im just helping, its for my baby shower.  I got this super cute glitter iron-on transfer paper and its going to say "Anastasya's Mommy" on it.  I decided I would test it out first, so I got a scrap of the satin and cut out some little hearts form the left over paper after I cut out the letters.  So I iron it on and then there is this clear gloss cover that you have to take off and then the glitter part is exposed.  Well I went to take it off and it was not easy to get off and then the hearts are sticky! I dont know what to do to make it not sticky without doing something that will ruin the satin. 

Any ideas/suggestions?  It has to be colorless so it doesnt change the color of then pink. I emailed the company but I probably wont hear back from them until at least I turn to you guys!

Re: NBR: Iron-On Transfer me please!

  • Sounds like you didn't iron it long enough.  Usually when it's hard to come off, it's because you need to iron it more. :)
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • imagebridesrighthand:
    Sounds like you didn't iron it long enough.  Usually when it's hard to come off, it's because you need to iron it more. :)

    Yes and don't use steam.  the glossy part should really separate on its own when you have ironed enough.

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  • I will do some practice ones again, I ironed it longer then the 30 seconds it says because it wasnt coming off....but I will try again.
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