Nurseries and Baby Gear


Hey!  I just saw the pic of your glider on the post below and we are thinking of getting that one from Walmart.  How do you like it?

The price is great and the reviews are really good.  Is that the light green cushion color?  The green looks SO bright on the website so I am hesitant to get that color but I love the color of yours.


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Re: **NaplesWifey**

  • Yes, we got the light green cushion. It does look brighter on the website than in person... it is a really pretty soft green. I have been very happy with it! I actually bought it on the recommendation of another Nestie back when I was pregnant with DD. I was worried it might not be the best quality b/c of the price, but it is actually really comfy!

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  • Awesome, thank you so much!
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