*I asked this question yesterday but I didn't get any responses.*
My DD is acting like she wants to snuggle cloth diapers (burp cloths). She is into holding onto them and rubbing them on her face. My son was/is exactly the same way but I can't remember when we let him sleep with one. I'm worried about giving her something like that in her crib - especially at night when I am sleeping and not checking in on her via the video monitor. TIA!
Re: How old for a lovey in the crib?
DS had one at that age. I actually ended up giving him a crocheted blanket (the holes made me feel better!) and a stuffed animal...he still sleeps with the stuffed animal!
It's hard to remember exactly, but go with your gut. If she moves a lot in her sleep, maybe not yet. If she wakes up in the same position she was in when you laid her down, maybe she's ready.
Good luck!
I can't remember what age but it was pretty young, we put one of these in my DSs crib for him to snuggle. It is like a stuffed animal with no stuffing