
How old for a lovey in the crib?

*I asked this question yesterday but I didn't get any responses.*

My DD is acting like she wants to snuggle cloth diapers (burp cloths). She is into holding onto them and rubbing them on her face. My son was/is exactly the same way but I can't remember when we let him sleep with one. I'm worried about giving her something like that in her crib - especially at night when I am sleeping and not checking in on her via the video monitor. TIA!

Molly - DS - 12.16.06 DD - 3.20.09 DD - 3.11.11

Re: How old for a lovey in the crib?

  • DS had one at that age. I actually ended up giving him a crocheted blanket (the holes made me feel better!) and a stuffed animal...he still sleeps with the stuffed animal!


  • It's hard to remember exactly, but go with your gut.  If she moves a lot in her sleep, maybe not yet.  If she wakes up in the same position she was in when you laid her down, maybe she's ready. 

    Good luck!

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  • DD had one from about 2 1/2 months on.  It is still the same one (she's 3 1/2) and it's seriously wretched looking.
  • I can't remember what age but it was pretty young, we put one of these in my DSs crib for him to snuggle.  It is like a stuffed animal with no stuffingimage

  • Yea! Thanks, girls! She is actually still sleeping in the swing Embarrassed so I'm hoping the cloth will help her transition to her crib when we work up the courage to just do it. Thanks again!
    Molly - DS - 12.16.06 DD - 3.20.09 DD - 3.11.11
  • My DD starting hanging onto her lovey at about 3 months old.  She still has to have 'him' to sleep and she'll be 3 in October!
  • Max has had a light receiving blanket in the crib with him for a few months now.
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