I have always wanted to do this for my babies room and we got a quote yesterday. Being a designer I got a pretty good deal but I still don't know if I'm being stupid to spend the $1250.00 to get it done. My husband told me to make the decision. I think it makes a huge difference but is it worth it? Maybe I should skip the babies room and put it in mine
Has anyone done this and do you have pictures.
Re: Is anyone doing wainscoting and crown moulding in their nursery?
My friend has the wainscotting panels in her bathroom, and another friend has them in her bedroom. They are much, much cheaper than the quote you got. However they are the panels. My bf will be putting them up and for the nursery it will cost us around 100.00 for the panels and 30.00 for the chair rail. I'm much happier with that price.
we are! but my husbands a contractor so he's doing it. The price would depend on how big your room is and if you're doing stain grade or paint grade wood?
For stain grade in a decent size room the $1250 sounds a tad high, I'd think more about $800-$900 since you're paying someone to do it. I can tell you our materials were only about $300 for a 13x15 room and that's for a 3/4 wall height wainscot instead of traditional height... no pics yet we're working on it this weekend!
Momma Maven In The Making!
Yea that was with both, we got our materials at Home Depot. Could've got them from the lumber company but they were a lot more expensive even with contractor pricing. Home Depot/Lowes are limited on their wood selection but my husband has perfected the staining of pine which is a royal pain, pine is always blotchy. But using the pine is much cheaper. Our other option was knotty alder but this is obviously a lot more expensive. Depending on how well this person can stain, and knows wood types/grains, you can also do combinations of poplar, pine, alder, etc. and get it to stain out uniform... this can save some money on materials...
Momma Maven In The Making!
Don't want to threadjack, but I just replied to your post about monogramed rugs from a few days ago.
I found this one here...
Hey thanks! I'll check it out.
Momma Maven In The Making!
we did it ourselves, and i do have pics, but i still can't figure out how to add them!!! so frustrating! i see the tree icon up here, but it looks for a URL.?
Upload your image to tinypic.com and then copy the URL it gives you (direct link for layouts) and that's what you insert. Use the message board size, not the default.
We did faux wainscotting ... DH's friend put up a chair rail and then molding pieces to make it look like panels. The baseboards were already in the room. They got the materials at Lowe's and Home Depot.
How is it that my BABY is going to be 3?
BFP-2/25/11; 8 Wk U/S-3/25/11-No HB, measured 6.5 wks; D&C