Birth Stories

Liam's Birth Story

At 40 weeks and 4 days I found I was having my bloody show as I got up to take a shower before my doctor's apt. I was super excited in the thought that I was actually progressing as I had shown no real signs before. At my Doc apt I was having minor cramping which I assumed was from the bloody show. I was 1cm and 80% effaced. I was hooked up to the monitors and was informed I was having contractions and they were 5 minutes apart. Doc decided that since we were going to induce on Thursday anyway, that he would send me over to labor and delivery to see how things progressed and maybe push things along with a little pitocin.  I honestly could not tell at all that I was having contractions at all, that was about to change though!

At 10 am on Tuesday I got checked in, changed and hooked up to the monitors and became scared to death that it was finally happening. My mom and DH were there and we played cards and talked for the next hour. The contractions got strong enough for me to feel, but it still wasn't bad just like the worst menstrual cramp pains but very bearable. I took deep breaths and tended to ignore my surroundings as I had a contraction. At 2cm?s and 3pm I was on my side breathing through a contraction when I heard a pop, I sat up and sure enough my water broke and the fun officially began. They decided to start me on low pitocin to assure that the contractions came in good frequency and my dilation moved forward. They got super strong, really fast, I had maybe 30 seconds in between the contractions and after an hour of it asked for my epidural cocktail (roughly 4-430pm). It wasn't bad AT ALL, my back was numbed and I took slow deep breaths to remain still during the contractions for the epidural to be placed. In it went and away went the pain. I could still move my legs and had a little itching at the beginning of it but it went away after 15 minutes. After an hour I could start to feel lots of pressure down stairs and it was almost painful? I asked to be checked and I was 4cm. 1o minutes later the pressure was stronger an d I asked to be checked again, they were hesitant but I said my instincts were telling me I had progressed. Sure enough I was 5-6 cm?s.  In the next hour the pressure got progressively stronger and I felt like I needed to push. Needing to push for me felt like if I pushed then my pain would be cut back, if I didn?t push, the pain would become unbearable.  By 6:15 pm I was 10 cm and could FINALLY PUSH! I pulled my legs up to my chin, took a deep breath and pushed with all my might. DH was amazing and was beside me the entire hand holding my leg and his breath every time I held mine. I am a pretty strong lady but that day my entire strength came from the support he gave me, I get tears in my eyes just thinking about how supportive and helpful he was. 6:30pm the Doctor came in and the baby?s head could be seen. His heart rate was dropping a little with each contraction so they decided to use the vacuum to help a little. At 6:44 Liam was born and DH got to cut the cord. I didn?t get cut or tear but had a minor ?skid bump? which they equate to a rug burn. Liam scored a 9 and had the cutest little cry imaginable. Recovery has been good; the hardest part has been dealing with the pain when I pee as result of the catheter. He nurses like a champ and I am finding that it?s easier than I was expecting. He feeds almost every hour, my milk hasn?t come in yet and I am thinking once it does that he?ll need to feed a little less.
July 14th, 6:44pm, 7 pounds, 5 ounces, 19.5 inches long.



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