I am not a decorator by any means but I am trying to do the nursery alone. Need some opinions on my fabric choices for the chair and drapes. My nursery colors are pink, green and white. I was thinking of pairing a damask green and white chair/ottoman with a pink and green plaid drape. Is this to much.
Drapes - Similar in design but more baby pink and light green.
Re: Nursery Chair & Drapes
I like the damask chair idea, but for the drapes I think it depends on the walls. Are your walls busy? Stripes, chairrail?
I prefer plain color curtains, so I went for sage green with a sheer underneith. It look spretty and not over done.
My personal opinion would be to do white or mix match. In my living room I have panels of butter yellow curtains and then in the middle 2 panels of white.?
On the other hand if you get it and don't like it you can always take them down an put something else up and if your crafty you could use the material to make them into something else. ?
i think this damask print in an olive green coordinates better with your stripes for the drapes. www.warehousefabricsinc.com
this would also be cute sticking with your pink/green/white theme. also from warehouse fabrics and very reasonably priced.
are you having bedding made to coordinate with your chair and drapes?
love the color palette!