Birth Stories

Carly's birth story(long)

I had my baby Carly on Sunday 7/12, which was 4 days early. I went in for my 39 weeke exam on Friday 7/11 and was told I was only 1 cm and 50% effaced. The next morning I woke up around 5:45 to go to the bathroom. When I sat down to pee I noticed water started leaking before I was actually peeing. I yelled to my husband that my water broke so he could finish packing the bags. I took a shower and got ready to go. We arrived at the birth care center around 6:20. The first thing they did was check to make sure my water had broke. When they checked me I was still 1cm and 50% effaced. They decided to start me on pitocin to help me dialate. I was being checked every hr to see if I was dialating. 8 hrs. later I was still 1cm so they decided to give me a break and let me eat something since I was starving. At 4:00 they inserted cervidill to help soften my cervix. At 9:30 I started having contractions. I had already planned on using the epidural so I went ahead and asked for it when the contractions were getting painful. They checked me and said I was only 2cm so they wanted to wait to do the epidural until I was further along. That was a rough 12 hrs. They did give me some other pain med but it did not work very well. At 4am they took out the cervidill and checked me I was still only 2cm. They started up the pitocin again at 5am and by 7:00 I was 4cm so I could get the epidural. They had to do the epidural 3 times. It was very uncomfortable, but they said it was because of my spine. Finally I was comfortable for awhile. They had to give me a booster 3 times. I was 10cm and 100% effaced at 3:00 but they wanted me to labor down for awhile to help the baby move down. At 5pm she was at +1 station and I was ready to push. I pushed for 1.5 hrs. I'm not going to lie it was pretty awful.  My epidural had worn off and I was having horrible stomach cramping. At 6:30 pm Carly was born. She is beautiful, and we love her so much. It makes everything we go through for these long 9 months so worth it.

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