
creepy neighbor update....

So, creepy bi-polar, permanent disability from the military pit bull owner who yelled at my DH a month or two ago has a new are the details.

1. He is late 30s...she has GOT to be 50...or hasn't aged well, at all.

2. She has a teenage daughter and also a toddler--1 or 2 year old boy (but I wonder if the boy maybe isn't the teenage daughters???

3. boxes have moved into the house 2 weeks ago (after they had dated for about 2 or 3 weeks??) and now today boxes are moving out of the house....not sure what's going on with them...but apparently he may have a love interest who moved in and is now moving out??? I don't know....

4. Teenage daughter is moving all the boxes....its too early for college to start right???

I'm nosy..

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