
Repeat c-section question

I've been hoping for a VBAC but at my appointment today my OB told me she thinks it's highly unlikely that will happen. I have another appt next week and we're going to discuss it more then. If you had an emergency c-section the first time and a repeat section the next time was your experience any different with the scheduled section? I was in labor for two full days with Nadia after my water broke but I never dialated past one. I'm not thrilled with the idea of another c-section but I'm hoping it's easier to recover if it's not an emergency. Also, how close to your due date do they usually schedule them?
Nadia Irene 8/13/07 Reid Owen 8/18/09

Re: Repeat c-section question

  • I've had 2 scheduled ones, but my recovery was easy.  Although some can have complications, I didn't.  I was walking and "wireless" within 12 hours and went home in 48.  

    I know people who labor then section and they always seem to have a harder time with it.  

    Dr. wanted to sched at 39 weeks, I held off until 39 weeks 5 days.  DD 1 had some breathing issues and I wanted this baby to cook as long as possible.  I did run the risk of going into labor, but I was prepared just in case. (DD 1 was at 39 weeks) 

    Good luck!  Get up and moving when you can 

  • mine was scheduled 10 days before my due date (he blocked off that week and told me to pick a day). ?It's much easier than being in labor for so long before it. ?I was a little more sore the second time around, but i think it was more emotional/mental. ?I was still out and about with no problems within a few days of delivery. ?
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  • My repeat C was a dream!  It was SO much easier in every way.  I had a normal labor with #1 but pushed for 2.5 hours and DS's head simply would not fit.  So, I went with a repeat C since DD was estimated to weigh exactly the same as DS did.  Both of my LOs weighed exactly as predicted by u/s.  Anyway, I would do another C in a heartbeat.  I went in, knew what to expect, got a spinal rather than an epi which was better, recovery was easier, I stayed on top of the pain, got up and walked sooner and went home a day early.  GL!
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  • #1 was an emergency c-section - recovery was difficult

    #2 was a schedule  c-section - recovery was a breeze!   Mine was schedule at 38 wks & 5 days (give or take).  They usually schedule in your 39th week

    Cheryl, Evan 4.25.05, Paige 7.2.07
  • I labored for 9 hours and pushed with 3 hours with DS #1 and ended up with a c/s (baby was over 11 lbs). I really wanted a VBAC the  second time around, but #2 seemed to be big too (and he was - over 9 lbs). My second c/s was a great experience! My water broke at 38 weeks around 7:30 in the morning, and I had DS2 at 10am. The worst part of the whole thing was the IV they put in my hand. My recovery for both babies has went well, I am starting to feel normal again this time around, although I am not up for a lot of exercise yet. I think they usually schedule them between 39-40 weeks. I was really worried, but everything went great and I will not even worry next time I am pregnant about having another c/s.
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  • I had two scheduled c-sections (DD was breech) and the second was still easier. I was afraid it wouldn't be because the first wasn't an emergency, but I think because you know more about what to do it was much easier.
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