I've been hoping for a VBAC but at my appointment today my OB told me she thinks it's highly unlikely that will happen. I have another appt next week and we're going to discuss it more then. If you had an emergency c-section the first time and a repeat section the next time was your experience any different with the scheduled section? I was in labor for two full days with Nadia after my water broke but I never dialated past one. I'm not thrilled with the idea of another c-section but I'm hoping it's easier to recover if it's not an emergency. Also, how close to your due date do they usually schedule them?
Nadia Irene 8/13/07
Reid Owen 8/18/09
Re: Repeat c-section question
I've had 2 scheduled ones, but my recovery was easy. Although some can have complications, I didn't. I was walking and "wireless" within 12 hours and went home in 48.
I know people who labor then section and they always seem to have a harder time with it.
Dr. wanted to sched at 39 weeks, I held off until 39 weeks 5 days. DD 1 had some breathing issues and I wanted this baby to cook as long as possible. I did run the risk of going into labor, but I was prepared just in case. (DD 1 was at 39 weeks)
Good luck! Get up and moving when you can
#1 was an emergency c-section - recovery was difficult
#2 was a schedule c-section - recovery was a breeze! Mine was schedule at 38 wks & 5 days (give or take). They usually schedule in your 39th week