
Ethan skipped the "why's" but Brooke's got them x2

Thankfully though, most of the time she's okay with "that's just how it is" when there is no why answer to some things.

Re: Ethan skipped the "why's" but Brooke's got them x2

  • DS's is "whatchya doin mama?"  and "What's that?" over and over and over again!  Even when I give him a good answer!
    Liam is 5!
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  • Audrey has them and I am concerned that she's going to find out how dumb I am rather quickly.
    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
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  • I think Maddie went to journalism school and we missed it.  She has the 5 w's down pat.  And unfortunately she expects a detailed answer for everything.  Fortunately I can make stuff up for now.
  • That is hilarious!!!!
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