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I'm looking for a BRIGHT colored boy bedding.
I'm not a fan of the tradiational pastel baby-ish boy beddings. It's not really my or H's style or personality.
Anyone have any good recs for sites with affordable DIFFERENT beddings?
Here's ours (in nursery)
And where I ordered it:
This room was really cute,1000138,HGTV_32665_5940845_02,00.html&usg=__r5EocWJLKVGZWQYOZSIp05Cf9OI=&h=462&w=616&sz=107&hl=en&start=53&um=1&tbnid=sWkwFl15mctEzM:&tbnh=102&tbnw=136&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcolorful%2Bboy%2Bnursery%26ndsp%3D18%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26start%3D36%26um%3D1
She did custom fabrics from Serena and Lily. There is also a girl on etsy who custom makes nursery bedding for the same price or less for the ones you buy in the store and they are super adorable. Look Here:§ion_id=5994031
we went with a green and brown color sceme with a monkey theme.
We have this bedding and we painted the walls yellow to brighten up the room.
Re: Boy Bedding
Here's ours (in nursery)
And where I ordered it:
This room was really cute,1000138,HGTV_32665_5940845_02,00.html&usg=__r5EocWJLKVGZWQYOZSIp05Cf9OI=&h=462&w=616&sz=107&hl=en&start=53&um=1&tbnid=sWkwFl15mctEzM:&tbnh=102&tbnw=136&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcolorful%2Bboy%2Bnursery%26ndsp%3D18%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26start%3D36%26um%3D1
She did custom fabrics from Serena and Lily. There is also a girl on etsy who custom makes nursery bedding for the same price or less for the ones you buy in the store and they are super adorable. Look Here:§ion_id=5994031
Newly engaged and TTC
we went with a green and brown color sceme with a monkey theme.
We have this bedding and we painted the walls yellow to brighten up the room.