
***mikeandmonica & tigger***

Hi...just wanted to say I replied to a post about Essure...I'll post it here as well in case you don't see it. Are you both in the Twin Cities?  I don't know what I'm looking for other than reassurance...

mikeandmonica and tigger-are you both in MN?  That is where I am and I am seriously considering essure in the next year or so.  We just had #2 in January and I have been on depo since because we think we are done with 2.  After two cs, I was going to have DH go for the vs until my OB told me about Essure---actually I saw the commercials while on mat leave and then she told me about it when I went for my 6 week pp.  She is one of the providers and spoke very highly of it.  She said they have had 100% succes rate and it is noninvasive unlike the tubal or vs. 

I don't know anyone who has done it personally and the permanence makes me a little nervous, which is why we are not doing it now but may consider it in a year or so. 

As for weight gain on depo...could that be part of my problem?!?!?!  I was doing so well and lately the scale has started to creep back up with nothing else changing. I know it isn't only the depo, but it makes sense that it could be yet another contributing factor.  Interesting! 

My prince and princess...
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Re: ***mikeandmonica &amp;amp; tigger***

  • Yes - I am in the cities! I *think * that you might have suggested your daycare to me when we were looking for daycare actually! Did your sig pic used to have you in the back of the limo or something like that?? Anyway - yes, depo definitely made me gain weight - even when I was active and stuff, I still gained weight. So that is likely what is going on with you. I always said that looking back I wouldn't regret my depo decision (I was on it for well over 5 years), but now that I'm having such a hard time losing weight?I still don't think I would have used anything else, but I would have worked out harder the whole time. Feel free to PM your clinic if you want me to confirm that it is the same one I go to. It is definitely a little scary to be so so so permanent, but I was so sick/miserable the entire time I was pregnant that I just cannot ever go through that again. Ever. So that made the decision much easier for me. I had never heard of it when they told me about it (no commercials yet), so I was pretty nervous at first.
  • Yes, that was me in the back of the car!  :)  LOL That is funny you remember that.  I like that I am considered a Newbie again even though I've been posting on the Knot/Nest/Bump since at least 2003. 

    I was on depo back in college but I guess I just forgot about the weight gain effect.  Oh, well!  I'm working on getting motivated to do something about is just hard with a toddler and newborn and working full time.  I've got to hit rock bottom soon!

    I go to Oakdale OB Gyn so that is who I would go through for Essure.

    Where did you end up for daycare?

    My prince and princess...
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  • I remember because you loved your daycare so much! Though honestly, if you didn't JUST start posting on the local board again I might not have remembered. I ended up with a home daycare not far from my house (when I walk to get the boys after work it is 2.10 miles or so depending on which trail I take). I love her and am SO happy I found her! I go to the Park N. MG clinic, so I'm no help there. I know what you mean about the little ones though - mine turned 1 and 3 this week so I'm running like crazy!
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