We have zero storage space in our nursery, so without a closet or bookshelf and bins Especially How are you storing stuffed animals?Short of a big tub/ basket im at a loss Thanks.
Well, we have a lot of storage space and canvas bins for toys in the bench, but if I didn't have any other option...I'd consider picking them up off the floor and putting them in some sort of toy net or hammock on a wall. Maybe low enough so LO can reach them in a year or so.
I saw an inexpensive round laundry hamper that collapses at BRU. I thought I would just throw them in there. It had polka dots on it and you couldnt see what was inside of it. It was cream and had blue and brown or sage green dots. It was fun and would hold a bunch of stuffed animals. We have a laundry basket in his closet full of them. I like stuffed animals and got a ton at the shower but right now they are just taking up precious space.
We have an old house w/ limited closet space (closet it the width of a standard door). We are using an armoire in the room. We are also keeping some storage space in the bottom cabinet in the hall for her.
Life is either a daring adventure or it is nothing at all.
Re: xpost, Toy storage question.