
DH's doctor called S "fat"! kinda funny

DH was swinging S around in the pool on! ?he went to the doctor this morning b.c he had a weird pain and yup...he's got a hernia!

DH's doctor asked DH what he was doing and told him about swinging S around in the pool. Doctor asked how much she weighs and DH told him--"about 28-29 lbs". ?DH said he laughed.

at first I was pissed---my kid isn't fat..she's actually skinny and tall. DH said the doctor is a little chinese I guess he's just not used to tall babies! ;) ?lol ??


Sisterly love--Sophia (1/14/07) and Baby Margaux (7/13/10) image Doctor in training! :)image

Re: DH's doctor called S "fat"! kinda funny

  • haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. DH's Dr. is an elderly Chinese man and tells DH all the time that he could stand to lose 20+ lbs. Uh yeah DH is 6' and 200lbs. If he lost 20lbs I would beat his _ass
  • Something about those Chinese doctors!  My dh's asthma doctor is Chinese, and he has no problems telling my dh he is out of shape.  LOL!

    (Not that it takes someone who is Chinese to point that out.)

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  • No way! ?That's not fat at all!
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  • joseys--hi! how are you? ?you had me guessing if baby was here!
    Sisterly love--Sophia (1/14/07) and Baby Margaux (7/13/10) image Doctor in training! :)image
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