Nurseries and Baby Gear

White furniture in a boys room. Pics?

I always had this idea in my mind that I would do white furniture for a girl and espresso for a boy. Lately I am starting to think that white might look better because the room is fairly small and we will be putting quite a bit of furniture in it. Do you think white furniture is too feminine for a boys room? Do you have white furniture in your boys nursery and do you have a pic? Thanks!

Re: White furniture in a boys room. Pics?

  • I was going with white furniture whether we had a boy or girl.  White would be better if the room is smaller, it may open it up more.  Just chose a good paint color for a boy and you would be fine.
  • Yes. I've used white furniture in both of my boy's nurseries.  I love it....especially with a nice color and white trim and doors.
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  • Well, I don't have pics yet but we are having a boy and will be using dark and white furniture in the nursery.  The long dresser (which will be used as a changer) and a set of tall storage cubes (that will have colored baskets in it) are White.  But the Crib and the Rocker will be dark brown.  Our room is small too but I just didn't want all white and so far I'm loving the mix of dark and white (everything but the crib is in the room).  HTH!

  • My friend has white furniture for her son. It always looks so clean in there I dont know why. I guess its the simple white furniture pops off the the colors of the nursery. I enver thought of white until I saw her set and thought it was sweet.
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  • I don't have any pics yet, but we are doing white furniture for our boy's room. Everything will be navy & white.
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