Nurseries and Baby Gear

Anyone order a custom mattress for a bassinet/cradle?

If so, from where, and how was the quality?


Tori 10.10.09 / Callie 9.14.10 / Callie's Epilespy Journey

Re: Anyone order a custom mattress for a bassinet/cradle?

  • Hi, I am going to be using a family cradle for the first couple of months (until LO is big enough to turn and will be moved to her crib) and needed a custom mattress for it. I found a reasonably priced one online from They also do custom fitted sheets.

    The quality of the mattress (I ordered the $40 one) seemed passable. I am happy with it since I know it meets safety standards and we won't be using it forever. The custom sheet we ordered fits snugly and I would recommend them although I'm sure if you spent more you'd probably get more. We ordered the 2" mattress and it came in a plastic cover so we didn't bother getting the waterproof protector. The shipping was expensive but it got here in about a day. I know this isn't exactly a ringing endorsement but I hope it helped, any questions, let me know Big Smile

    Me 38, DH 34 Missed M/C 10/08 at 10 weeks DD born 8/09, TTC#2 since Jan 2011 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • steverstever member
    I didn't order one, but my mom made one for my old cradle and it's perfect. The people at the fabric store set her up with the perfect foam and covering, gave her instructions on how to cover it and sent her on her way. So maybe that's an option if you know someone who's handy with the sewing.
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