You have very good taste! lol
I am also using white furniture, and am in love with the love bird bedding, to top it off I am also wanting to paint our nursery the blue color. Hilarious! We are going to put up white wainscotting (sp) because our ceilings are curved and think that will break up the paint color a little. I would love to see pictures of your nursery when it's all done.
Have you already got your bedding? I live in Canada and will be ordering it online. I would love to know what paint color exactly that you are using. I wont be ordering the bedding until September but would love to paint ahead of time, and want a really good match.
Thanks so much! How exciting!
Re: nolongerdinks!
We ordered our bedding - it should be here by next week. The white beadboard idea is great. If your ceiling and walls will be the same color, then the white will be a ncie way to break it up.
If you order the Lovebird bedding, I suggest ordering from It's $20 cheaper there than any other site and there is NO tax and NO shipping fees!
I'll keep you posted on pics when we get things in.
I tried that site from one of your previous posts, however they wont ship to my address in Canada, unfortunately.