
What floatie instead of Aqua Leisure?

I just saw the list and of course, our floatie is on it, which B used all weekend.

Did you ladies find something similar to replace the recalled item?


Re: What floatie instead of Aqua Leisure?

  • YodajoYodajo member
    I haven't seen any recall lists, but we use Stearns' Puddlejumpers and love it so much!  Its basically arm floaties that are attached to a piece that goes around the chest and fastens in the back and made out of lifejacket material instead of air holding it up.  Its coast guard approved and Sam doesn't tip forward or backward in it.  He swims all over the pool in it. 
    DS1 10-06 and DS2 9-08 and baby #3 EDD 9-05-12
  • I have no idea what brand it is or what it's called, but we do have another one at home that we got at Target that was not made by the company that was recalled.  Just print off the list, and go to the store.  I'm sure you'll find something unless they are all sold out now.
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