I've seen mention to babies seeing a chiropractor for reflux. Just curious if anyone has researched this. Any thoughts? Did anyone try it? did it work? yes? no? what did they do? I know nothing about chiropractors and grew up with the stereotype that they are kind of quacks
Re: reflux & chiropractor?
Robbie is going once a week. (Three sessions so far.)
I grew up leaning towards "quack", too, but I will say that a friend of mine dragged me to one a few years ago when I was having really horrible migraines about 3x/week and he really did work miracles for me.
He's not of the "chiro fixes everything" school of thought, so I like that. He told me straight up that with my history he could HELP, but he wasn't going to cure me.
Same with Robbie. Robbie was born with a stomach deformity, so he's probably not going to make things 100% better, but he thinks he can help.
He evaluated him and pointed out a few things to me (like a big hard spot in his tummy that I now have to massage at home) and asked a few things that definitely were true.
As for if it's helping.. it's hard for me to honestly say.
I will say that he's *WAY* less gassy now, which is something the chiro talked about. I do this massage technique before a meal. Supposed to close the sphincter to the colon or something. Anyway, he really is way less gassy.
Of course, at the same time, Robbie got pretty sick with bronchiolitis and I couldn't bolus feed him (he's G tube fed) becaues the pressure from a full tummy would put too much pressure on his lungs.. so I started feeding him pretty slowly. So now we're getting *VERY* little vomit (for us, anyway) and essently zero pain.
I honestly think it's a combination of things, honestly.
My chiro isn't charging us much at all, so it's worth it to me to continue to try it. He has said that he's not making a ton of progress with him because Robbie's still a little apprehensive around him and doesn't relax enough to get the full effect, but he's getting there.
My Blog
Sweater over on the Mulitples board is doing it for her son Jax who has a serious motility disease and severe reflux. She's not sure it's helping the reflux but it seems to, and he does sleep much better at night.
I have found one Chiro in our area but she is booked at the hours we want to come in (trying to work around naps and other therapy sessions is rough) so we are waiting for an opening.