I'm a style network junkie, and specifically "clean house" is my favorite show.
Tomorrow's is the big event "the messiest home in the county 3". They've been leading up to it by finding 7 messy homes in 7 states. Normally, a full season consists of cleaning out and making over homes in the greater L.A. area. This show has been on since 2003. I'm just astounded that there are that many pack-rats in L.A. alone. I mean, I know it's a big huge city and all, but I just never would have thought that there were that many people that lived like that.
Re: totally random post about Style network's "clean house"
I LOVE that show. I find the people on it so disgusting but its like watching a train wreck and when its on, I'm so horrified that I can't turn the channel. ;-)
Did you see the messiest house from last year? The lady where they filled a huge warehouse with her junk? I totally believe that there are a lot of people like that out there. Hoarding is pretty common. My aunt is supposedly a hoarder. I haven't seen her apartment in years, but I hear its scary. My grandmother was also a crazy cat lady. Its more common than you might think.