It's like a pink explosion. Everytime I click on anything for a girl I end up with a headache just looking at the room. Boys stuff is so much cuter and less busy. I'm thinking of going with a gender neutral theme even if we find out we're having a girl - I despise the bedding/colors/themes that much. I would love to find something in a soft yellow with green accents or vice versa for a girl that wasn't smothered in hearts or flowers or princesses. Maybe I'm looking at the wrong sites, but so far it's nothing but pink and more pink.
Re: Does anyone else hate girl bedding/colors?
I hear ya! While we are using some pink, we are just using it as an accent color. Our main colors will be soft yellow (on the walls) and with pale/sage green and pale pink accents.
I don't dislike pink but a lot of the sites and nurseries I've seen online are pretty intense with pink.
Yep! I felt the same way!
Maybe go to and type in "crib bedding"...there are lot of ppl on there that have custom bedding where you can pick from a number of fabric prints!
That's why I'm going to try to make my own. My main two colors are aqua and chocolate brown in the room and for the bedding I'll be using a bit of those colors with some pink and a green added. It's kind of tropical (the color theme) and the fabrics aren't going to be "themed" in any way. I'm going for a more modern look.
Have you seen these?
I am doing the animal theme I either way. I can't stand girly nurseries.
I am doing this:
It was bought and I don't know if you can get it on amazon or not. I know that it is only sold at walmart!
That's partly why we didn't find out -- I knew I wasn't going to decorate overly pink or blue either way.
I have seen some cute girl bedding that is a little more subtle. I really liked the Brooke line at PBK:
The Penelope is a bit girlier but also cute. I liked the birds a lot. And some of the Dwell stuff has enough pink in it to make it too girly for a gender-neutral room but it's not gag-inducing.
There are so few times in life that you get to use pink. I was excited when our daughter picked nursery bedding with subtle pink as one of the colors. Like anything else, pink in moderation is beautiful.
But planning a big girl room with a two year old required adding LOTS of pink!!
This isn't yellow or green, but we ordered this and it's soooo pretty in person. Just black and off white!
Target and, believe it or not, Walmart have some cute modern bedding. I agree with you one hundred percent. We're having a girl, and I didn't necessarily intend to make a gender neutral room but that's what it's turning into. I'll post pics soon.
A few I really like:
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