I'm likely not having a shower so I don't expect a windfall of baby clothes coming my way. I've been doing a lot of shopping lately and I guess I just don't know how much is too much. There's just so much good stuff on sale now that it's hard to resist!
Do you feel like you are buying a lot? Any non-first time moms have any advice?
Re: Are you buying a lot of baby clothes?
I've been buying a lot, but only things that are on sale. Also, I'm sticking with really practical items like sleepers and onsies. Fortunately the weather here is such that a cotton long sleeve onsie can be worn almost year round, so I'm not too worried about buying the wrong size for the season. And lastly, I'm buying from the Carter's store where there is no time limit on returns with a receipt. So if I end up getting a bunch more clothes from my shower I can always return some of what I bought.
That is really cute! DH hates that I am spending money on baby stuff. He thinks everyone will buy us what we need, he has no clue. I just don't show him my purchases anymore.
I'm more than likely not having a shower either since this is my second. We didn't find out with DD and I saved all of her clothes we have quite a few sleepers and onsies that are gender nuetral that this little guy will be albe to wear. That said I have bought some things since we found out. Most recently today when I stopped by Carters and they are having a HUGE sale. I picked up 3 long sleeve all in one pants outfits and a sleep sack for $3.99 each.
My best advice would be to curb the spending a little. Unless they spit up or have a leak you can put an outfit on them more than once. Bibs were a life saver for me with DD. I'd also suggest staying away from newborn sized things especially right now. There is no telling if you are going to have a 5 or 8 puonder and nine chances out of ten he will outgrow the newborn stuff so fast. Like PP said when you have the baby you'll more than likely get quite a few outfits.
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Hi! Nice to see you too and congrats as well. Yeah not a lot of decorating going on right now so I've been over here more. I do need to post my nursery stuff over there though...
I would buy a lot of the basics - onesies, sleepers, cotton shirts/pants, bibs. You may find that you prefer certain types of clothing, i.e. everyone told me they loved gowns for their newborns, but I just wasn't into them.
Overall, it's fun to shop. If you start to feel like you have a lot of the small sizes, you can always buy some 6mo/9mo/12mo stuff. They grow out of clothes so quickly at first!
I have bought quite a few baby clothes and I am having showers. I've gotten a variety of sizes. With baby due in October, I'm buying up to 9 mo sizes in long sleeves/pants. I have a feeling we'll be in those early and here spring can stay pretty darn cool. I've gotten most of my stuff at garage sales and the like, so it's not a huge investment on my part.
Plus, the more clothes he has the less laundry I need to do? A girl can hope ...