2nd Trimester

Shower question

No one in my family or circle of friends has talked about wanting to plan my shower - this is our first baby and also the first grandchild on both sides, and I know everyone's really excited, so I thought maybe they'd be jumping right on it. But then again, I'm still pretty early, 20 weeks, and I really don't have much of a bump - maybe they all think it's too early.

Did most of your families/friends start talking to you about shower plans this early, or should I try to bring it up with my mom, sister, MIL, or SILs before it gets much later?

Or should I just chill out and wait? :)

Thanks for any advice you can offer!


Re: Shower question

  • My aunts from my mom's side said something around 22 weeks and my aunts from my dad's side said something around 24 weeks.

     If no one offered by 26 weeks my mom was just going to throw me one.

    edit: I think it also depends on if you're going to have to travel.  I will have to so we are doing both of them when I'm 29 weeks. 

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  • My mom mentioned it when I told her I was pregnant, but everyone in my family has a baby shower, so it was just a matter of when, and my mom knew her sisters would help her with it. I would ask your mom if she wants to have one.
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  • Maybe your family is trying to keep it a surprise.
  • My shower is a surprise - my mother just can't keep a secret ;)
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  • My family started getting the date reserved pretty much right away. Mainly, because, there's 3 of us pregnant now and 1 of us getting married on my DH's side. My mom had settled on the date a bit later, but is starting the prepping. And all of this started either before 20weeks or around that time. I don't think mentioning it to your mom would be a bad thing, as a pp has mentioned...
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  • imagekimberleigh30:
    Maybe your family is trying to keep it a surprise.

    haha, I thought about this too, but keep forgetting about the possibility. It's so unlike my family, but you never know.

    also I just realized, they might just be pre-occupied because DH's cousin is getting married in a few weeks. I bet something will crop up after that's all done. 

    ETA: I think I will mention it to my mom though, and maybe my SIL since I'm pretty close to her, and see what happens :)

  • My sister just asked me last night to start putting together a list of names and addresses for people we would like to invite, and to give her an idea of where we will be registering. She did say that showers are usually only 1-2 months before your due date, so that gives a bunch of time still. I'd wait it out a little more.
  • I'm in the exact same boat as you. My brother actually asked my husband if his wife was supposed to throw it! Then my hubby asked my SIL if anyone was doing something (all on the sly of course) and she said that she and my sister were planning one, but that it's a surprise. Now I'm wondering how they are getting a guest list....
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  • I am in the same boat as you. First grandchild for my parents and they love to have parties. My MIL has said she has already bought some stuff.  My family has talked about a shower, they know I don't want a surprise, but no one has said anything about throwing it. My Mom has told me that her friends have even asked her when it will be and that they are excited for the shower. I think they think it is still too early to start planning.  Maybe they will start saying something within the next month. GL!
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  • DH and I were just talking about this last night. Both of our parents are divorced so not sure if it would be one big shower or a couple of small ones. Both my mom's and dad's side is big and always has showers. Both my mom and step mom have mentioned casually about showers. For example I was shopping with my mom and she said "that would make a nice shower present". DH side is very small. When his BIL and SIL were pg his mom and dad's gf threw the baby shower because SIL family is out of state. The other night his mom mentioned that she hopes the shower is not when she is on vacation in Sept. Now I am confused on why she would say this if she was planning one. DH thinks that MIL just thinks that there will be one big one and she will just be told when and to show up. Not sure where she got this idea from. We have decided to give it a little longer before I mention anything to my mom and step mom. They probably just do not realize that we are anxious for a date.
  • some of my friends had surpriseSurprise baby showers. maybe ur family is planning one.Wink
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