My dog has a gender-identity crisis. She is the only female dog I've ever seen lift her leg to pee. She doesn't enjoy going to the dog park because there are so many places to mark and so little time!
My dogs have only lived in this house since Tuesday and they only peed in two spots because they keep having to re-mark each other's territory! It's super funny when they go outside together because they wait in line to go in that one spot!
Frida even will follow my friend's dog around the yard just in case he needs to have a potty break! She has to cover it up before they can play!!!!
ok, AW over!
Re: AW Since we are on the top of pets
My girl dog lifts her leg when she pees!! We call her Tripod everytime she goes outside
DH started saying "good girl tripod" everytime she peed outside & it's just stuck. ?
Yay! I'm glad that my doggie isn't THAT abnormal!