2nd Trimester


can't poop!!! since monday!! agony! just ate chines buffet bad idea!!! horrible stomach pains! being preggy isnt fun yet! when is it going to be all fun and glowy and energy filled!!???? im looking at my prenatal vitamin and i want to cry at the thought of taking it! anyone else kinda feel the same?

Re: ahhh

  • Hate to say this, but you could have a little bit ahead of you before you feel wonderful. ?I felt like crap until about week 15/16. ?If the vitamin makes you that constipated, you need to tell your doc, you definitely should have pooped since Monday.
  • you can take colace (laxative) or preicolace (which is a stimulant laxative) both are safe.  But you can change your prenatal to one iwth a laxative in it.  Eat high fiber, grapes, whole grains, stuff with pulp etc...
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  • That happens to me, so get ready to chug Prune Juice and Apple Juice!!   Sometimes corn on the cob helps too.
  • thanks for the advice! i still can't believe there is a place where we can talk about pooping freely! haaa
  • I'm 15 weeks and still feel crappy most days, no pun intended.  I'm waiting for that 2nd trimester point where I feel fantastic . . . everyone tells me about it.  I want it now!
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