2nd Trimester

Lets talk weight gain

So what is your weight gain goal? 

Did you start out underweight, normal, or overweight?

How much have you gained so far (If you want to share otherwise just say noyb)?

Have you changed your diet, activity levels etc?


My goal is no more than 30lbs.  I gained 28 with Ethan and gained the first 10lbs in the first trimester.  So far I only gained 5lbs in the first trimester but I started out heavier (112 versus 104/106).  I started at a normal BMI for this pregnancy around 19 or 20 for my height.

I have been trying to do some excercises but I get so physically exhausted.  I have my daily routine of lunges, squats, wall pushups etc. but I don't do too much cardio.  Trying to eat more fruit and hoping it helps with the constipation too.  

I didn't excercise at all while pregnant with Ethan, so I feel good that I am at least doing relatively good at that but could definitely do more....



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Re: Lets talk weight gain

  • 15 - 25 lbs

    Started out overweight

    Gained -1 due to flu and morning sickness. 

    My diet has changed in that there are certain things I just can't eat. I also need to start exercising more because I just don't feel good. 

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  • MW told me 25-35 lbs

    MW said I was underweight, every BMI index said I was normal just on the low side

    at my last visit 2.5lbs, I don't weigh myself. My next appt is next week I'll let you know how much I've gained then

    I was vegan before getting pregnant, now dairy is my best friend and I try to stick with lean proteins such as soy, chicken, and fish, but oh how pizza has been my downfall....


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  • I started out a bit overweight.  I think my goal was 20 pounds.  I have gained 15-20 already, but am not stressing over it.  My dr says I am right on track if I gain a pound a week for the rest of my pregnancy. I have not been exercising, but I work in the city so do a lot of walking.  My eating habits are mediocre.  Not so good today - lots of pizza, ice cream, and donuts.  Yesterday was healthy though. I put on a lot of weight the few months before my BFP - a lot of indulgence in high calorie foods and drinking since I knew once we started trying my partying was done. 
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  • My weight gain goal was 15-25 lbs.

    I started out overweight. I had been doing weight watchers for 1.5 years, had lost over 60 lbs, but was still 30 lbs above my goal weight (I was 175 when we got pregnant). I was very active, and training to climb Mt. St. Helens this summer (lots of high elevation hikes, running, strength training, etc), but obviously plans have now changed. 

    I am almost 17 weeks, and have already gained 20 lbs.  I'm pretty bummed.  I did not barf once though, only had nausea.To make the nausea go away, I basically ate anything and everything, especially carbs.  That's why I packed on the pounds.  I always ate very sensibly (because WW), but my body just needed something else. Going from a calorie restricted diet, to a diet where I wasn't watching much, is definitely a part of the weight gain.  I also had zero energy, and could not work out anymore.

    In the 2nd trimester so far, I've started eating a bit better, I'm not as ravenously hungry as I was the first trimester.  I've also started to become more active, though doing and "easy" rated hike is still hard for me.  I was doing 12 milers rated difficult before. I walk my dog a lot more, and I've started doing water aerobics a couple days a week. 

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  • I had a healthy pre-pg weight, though I never lost the 5 or so lbs I gained over the holidays. My OB never mentioned anything about weight, but I think the guidelines are 25-35? 25 lbs is the maximum weight gain I'd be comfortable with, though I don't know if it will happen that way. I gained about 10 lbs in the first tri, and since then my gain has slowed down. I think I am at 12 lbs total now. I'm not working any longer, so I think that will help. At work I'd eat all day long out of boredom. At home we don't have so much snack food. I should spend an hour a day walking, but I really haven't been doing it much. I also want to work on my upper arms with weights, but I am so lazy.  
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  • my doctor recommended between 25-30lbs.. about a lb/week.  i started off underweight.

    i had a hard time gaining weight in my first trimester, only gained 1lb from my 8wk check-up to my 12wk checkup.  since then i've gained about 3lbs, so i'm on track w/ the 1lb/wk.

    i try not to weigh myself too often at home b/c i get stressed if i'm gaining too much or too little. i'm looking forward to seeing what the doctor's scale reads when i see him again in a little over a week.

  • i started out normal, ive gained 3 pounds or so. my diet hasnt changed much, im eating more fruit because i crave it. activity level is WAY low because i have 0 energy. im hoping it picks up soon.
  • I started out normal BMI, but about 10 pounds over my ideal weight.  So far, I've gained around 7 pounds, and my goal is around 30.  We will see!
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    MC #1- Jamie George 6/7/08, MC #2- Christian Aaron 1/15/09

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    MC #3- Ashley Grace 2/15/11, MC #4- Amelia Noel 12/30/11
    MC #5- Antonio 9/8/12

    BFP! 10/6/12
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  • I only gained 3 lbs n 1st tri, but today I'm up to 17.  My goal is 25 - 30 max.  We'll see...
  • I am a competitive marathoner so, at my dr's suggestion, I put on about 10 lbs while TTC.  I'm hoping to gain no more than 25-30 lbs during pregnancy but remember, that will actually be 35-40 lbs above my race weight.   So far I've gained 10 lbs (20 since before TTC).  I don't really eat differently than I did before.  I still run 5-6 days a week but I usually only go 4 or 5 miles at a time now. 
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  • I started out at a normal weight. As of last wk I had gained 7lbs (don't have a scale at home so maybe its more now). My goal is to not gain more than 25lbs but I won't freak out if it's more than that. I just know how difficult it is for me to lose weight so I'm keeping an eye on what I eat and trying to take a walk most days.
  • I was right in the middle of my BMI for my height/ weight pre pregnancy and I am also a "lifetime" member of the WW.... (weight watchers for those not in the ww clique) which I am no longer attending due to pregnancy of course. 

    I am hoping to gain the suggested 25-30lbs with my pregnancy and thought that I wouldn't have any issues with that.... But b/c of nausea and whatnot with the first tri, I comforted myself with carbs and lots of them. I gained 10 lbs in my first tri and am trying to eat a healthier more balanced diet going forward... so we'll see...

  • I started out at a healthy weight, and I'm hoping I will only gain 25 pounds, but would still be ok with up to 35.  I have gained 3 pounds so far.
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  • goal would be around 30 lbs. I gained 37 with DD#1 and would like to gain less this time, but we'll see.

    I started out a bit underweight this time. 10 lbs lighter then where I was w/ DD#1.

    I've gained almost 15 lbs already. I blame that on being underweight when I started ;)

    Nope, no change. I worked out w/ DD#1 but I just don't have the energy to this time.. and we've been so busy moving, out of town guest, etc... Plus chasing DD#1 around and picking her up all the time IS a workout! ;)

    CP 3/07
    BFP 5/07 - Kylie born 2/08.       BPF 2/09 - Alexandra born 10/09.
    TTC since 8/13 - diagnosed difficulty conceiving due to LP defect. Took vitamin B and Vitex Berry to help lengthen.
    BFP 2/14 - Missed M/C found at 8.5 weeks. D&C at 9w2d. Partial Molar Pregnancy.
    BFP 11/14
  • I started out at a healthy weight- could have lost 5 lbs to be more healthy! I'm not really worried about the total weight gain. I'm guessing about 30lbs is what I will gain. I've gained about 15lbs so far.
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  • So what is your weight gain goal? 25-30 lbs

    Did you start out underweight, normal, or overweight? the thinner side of normal Id say, I dont think I was actually underweight

    How much have you gained so far (If you want to share otherwise just say noyb)? 3lbs at my last appt, but probably more by now, I dont weigh myself

    Have you changed your diet, activity levels etc? no.  I exercise several times a week, and my diet is about the same -- just with the added calories for baby

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  • ZAngelZAngel member

    So what is your weight gain goal?  I would like to keep it under 35lbs but if my body has to gain more, I understand.

    Did you start out underweight, normal, or overweight? Normal

    How much have you gained so far (If you want to share otherwise just say noyb)? About 15lbs

    Have you changed your diet, activity levels etc? Nothing has changed

    BFP #1 (DS, 10/98), BFP #2 (DD, 10/09)
    BFP #3 -mm/c @ 7wks, discovered at 9wks, D&C 9/28
    BFP #4 5/29 EDD 2/9 - please be our rainbow
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  • I started out overweight and I'm 20 weeks now and have gained 10 lbs.  It would be nice to not go over 15.  My doctor actually said there would be no problem with me not gaining any weight as long as I'm eating enough and healthy enough.  She's seen many overweight women not gain anything and have completely healthy pregnancies and babies
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