I'm so tired of everyone telling me that October is so far away. I do understand it is a couple of months away yet but by September/October am I really going to want to set up my nursery? Probably not? Why can't people quit telling me its too early to do this and that and leave me alone. I want it done now people. I think this nesting thing is setting in too early and getting me in trouble lol My mom and boyfriend are officially annoyed with me because I want to get the babies room done and start setting it up. There is nothing wrong with that right??
To me October isn't that far away. There is sooo much yet to be done and I work full time so on my days off I want to do things so i'm not rushing the last month but my boyfriend totally doesn't understand and gets upset with me when I ask him to move stuff. Ugh, I'm just going to punch him in his face!
Ok, thanks for "listening" to my crazy hormonal pregnant vent! Hope all you ladies are having a wonderful evening!
Re: Aggravated--vent
My nesting has been in over-drive and this is my second child. I KNOW that we have plenty of time, especially since DD will be sleeping in a PnP for the first few months. That being said I feel like we aren't doing anything to prepare at all and it is driving me crazy.
I finally made a pact with DH that I wouldn't buy more than one baby related item a week just so I (meaning me making a purchase without his input) wouldn't go out of control.
All I can say is good luck.
I'm so in your boat.
I'm such a planner that it is a flaw I have and I recognize it. We just bought our crib, we received a pnp as a gift, and we are using the family cradle for the first few months so we do have some basics and that makes me feel a little better.
BUT my friend who is spear heading my shower thinks that September is perfectly fine because he isn't supposed to be here until the middle of October. My response...true, but what if I don't get that breast pump, the bottles, blankets, sheets, etc that I need? DH isn't letting me buy a whole lot right now so I'm freaking on the supply standpoint. October isn't that far to me either so you are not alone.