2nd Trimester

post on 1st Tri reminded me of something


Back (already 5 years ago) when I told my mom that DH and I were engaged the first thing she said was...."why, are you pregnant?"  I politely said no mom but thanks anyway.

Anyone else get some bad/strange responses?




Re: post on 1st Tri reminded me of something

  • Not to being pregnant, but when DH and I finally got frustrated with trying to plan and pay for a wedding ourselves the year we graduated college and decided to do a small wedding in Vegas with just parents/siblings everyone assumed I was pregnant.
  • DH literally said, "I have super sperm"- guess it's not bad but it was far from teary eyed excitement with a twist of tenderness that us ladies expect;)  


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  • Lol I told my parents I was pg before I told them we were getting married so you can imagine how that went over... ><
  • From MIL with our first "Congratulations....I think.  Is this a good thing?  I really wanted you to pay off your school bills first."

    Then when we were asking people to guess what we were having she said "I think it's a boy, and I've never been wrong.  I hope I am though, because I don't want a boy.  I want a girl."  So far, she's been wrong with both of our kids.  These are two of many many reasons we don't get along. 

    After DS was born, everything seemed to think we should be done because we had a girl and boy, you know, the "perfect" family.  When we announced it this time to his family it was "So is this the last one?"

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  • Boss: You know how that happens, don't you?

    Friend: Wow, you are just popping them out aren't you?

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  • imageminda31807:

    Boss: You know how that happens, don't you?

    Friend: Wow, you are just popping them out aren't you?

    DH's uncle called me a baby machine, but he sounded like he was just kidding around (and maybe a little jealous because none of their kids are having kids yet).  I hope he was at least.

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  • "I never really pictured you as a mom."  Thanks.

    When DH told his dad that we were engaged FIL said "everyones gotta do it once."  WTH?

  • Everyone just keeps asking if we are excited.  Of course we are!  I feel like they're trying to figure out if the baby was planned or not, which is weird becuase we've been married over a year now.
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  • imagesadielove:
    Everyone just keeps asking if we are excited.  Of course we are!  I feel like they're trying to figure out if the baby was planned or not, which is weird because we've been married over a year now.
    DH & I will be married 3 years this summer (& he's almost 29) & I still had a few rude people ask if the baby was planned. I think some people were surprised b/c I still have a year of law school to go.
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