2nd Trimester

There is a knife stabbing

deep into my left butt cheek! I thought you were supposed to only get sciatic nerve pain when you're huge? I should have known this would plague me early as I've always had hips popping in and out of place.

I find when I stretch my hamstrings it really helps ease the pain, but I think I might get some weird looks if I started doing that here at work! Instead I'm going to sit here and wiggle my legs and look like I really have to pee for the next 20 mintues of work!

Re: There is a knife stabbing

  • Stretch!  I really don't think the things we think we do that are weird are that weird to others.  Plus if it makes you feel better who cares!  I love to pull the pregnancy card to get away with things I wouldn't normally do, such as stare at my bare belly in the middle of the day if LO is really active.
  • My doctor told me it didn't have to do with how big or far along you are, it just depends on where the baby is sitting at the time and what its pressing against.
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  • I hate that feeling! When it happens to me, it'll stop me in my tracks. It is actually pretty emberassing because I'll be at my night job and carrying a tray when I stop in the middle of the restaraunt because my butt cheek feels like someone stabbed it. Nothing you can really do about it when there is a tray full of food on your shoulder and both of your hands are holding onto the tray.

    I wonder what my chiro can do for me?

  • imageacutting:
    My doctor told me it didn't have to do with how big or far along you are, it just depends on where the baby is sitting at the time and what its pressing against.

    Really? Hmmm....well I might have to try getting my little girl to move around to a different spot or something when it starts bothering me again. I hope it works.

  • I started getting sciatic nerve pain around 14/15 weeks. I was surprised that it started so early. I even had to quit my babysitting job because of the stress I was putting on my back just from lifting a 25-pound child into his crib twice a day (Doctor's suggestion-not mine).

    It can be rough.

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