2nd Trimester

Dirty Little Secret

Earlier in the week I had asked if I could leave by 4:00 (usually get off at 5:00) because DH and I invited one of my nieces and nephews over for the weekend and I need to go pick them up and it's a solid 45 minute drive. So all day today I've been looking forward to leaving at 4:00 (which is now only 40 minutes away!) and then my sister goes and emails me and says she won't be able to able to meet at the time we had planned and asks if we can bump the meeting time back at least 30 minutes...so now, honestly I would not need to leave early. I could leave at 5:00 and probably still beat her there because I know she's going to be late, but am I going to confess that to my boss? Umm, no I don't think so. Plus I took short lunches this week to make up the time, so, ya know, I have to leave early now!!! Wink

Shhh, don't tell.

Re: Dirty Little Secret

  • lol. enjoy your early day! those don't happen too often...
  • Your secret is safe Wink
    Mom to Harmon 1/17/08 and twins Rachel & Callum 8/28/09 Photobucket 29o0v13.jpg
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  • Oh I wouldn't fess up either! Enjoy your extra hour. Smile
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    2007-Sept 2008: TTC the old fashioned way
    Sept 2008 - Jan 2009: Clomid 100mg
    Feb 2009: 200mg Clomid = BFP! on March 20, 2009 - It's a BOY!
    Nov 26th 2009: Aidan Michael, 20.5" 7lb12oz
    Feb 2010: Start TTC again, the old fashioned way
    Mar - June 2011: Clomid 100mg
    July 2011: Unmedicated cycle = BFP! on August 29th, 2011
    Nov 6th 2011: m/c due to subchorionic hematoma
    Dec 2011: Start TTC again, unmedicated
    February 12th, 2012: BFP! EDD 10/23/12
    Mar 12th 2012: diagnosed as blighted ovum
    Trying again..
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