2nd Trimester

Fetal Echo?

After our anatomy u/s, our doc recommended that we go to a specialist and get a fetal echocardiogram done just as a "precaution" because while baby's heart seemed to be working properly there was one part of it that appeared a bit "abnormal". Doc insisted they were just being cautious, it was probably benign, yada yada yada...but I'm freaked out. We scheduled the fetal echo, but the earliest they can get us in is July 10th.

Has anyone been told to get a fetal echo  because of an abnormal u/s and all turned out well once the specialist got a look at the heart?

TIA. Oh, and prayers please from those who are so inclined. :)

Re: Fetal Echo?

  • I had to have a fetal echo last week.  They did mine because I have a heart defect which puts LO at a higher risk of having one as well.  At my anatomy scan they couldn't get him to hold still long enough to see his heart at all, but I already had the fetal echo scheduled anyway.  Everything turned out to be completely fine.  I'm glad we did it because it was a comfort to know everything looked good. 

    My cousin also had to have a fetal echo as there seemed to be fluid around her baby's heart, but so far everything looks good with her babe as well.

    I'm sure your baby will be just fine!  Just look at this appointment as reassurance and try not to worry until you have something concrete to worry about. 

  • imageMrs. A.J. Martins:

    I'm sure your baby will be just fine!  Just look at this appointment as reassurance and try not to worry until you have something concrete to worry about. 

    Thanks. You sound like my husband! :) It's hard not to be nervous though...

    I'm glad that all is looking good for your little one and your cousin's.

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  • I know what you mean.  I was nervous before hand, too.

    My grandmother always used to say, "anything well dreaded is half done" and I so agree!  I worried for nothing.

  • Mrs H.  I had one done for my little girl because she has single umbilical artery.  Her kidneys, and other organs checked out fine so we had a fetal echo performed to make sure her heart was "ok". 

    Long story short, they checked all four chambers and some other things I can't remember.  Everything turned out to be ok.  The fetal echo is just like a regular u/s only that the sonographer went through very special training for it.  Apparently, not all sonographers are created equal hehe. 

    Good luck and I hope everything turns out ok for you.  

  • vspekvspek member

    I just had an appointment with my doctor today and while listenning to the HB she heard that it skipped a beat from time to time, so she told me that I need to have a Fetal echo. After some research online and talking to my BIL, who is ER doctor it seems that it's just a precaution. We just had an anatomy scan this week and everything seemed normal. I know exactly how you feel, but I think it would be better for both you and your LO if you can relax and wait for it patiently.


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  • I had a fetal echo, and everything turned out great. 

    I had one because a very stupid doctor in the ER said I had had a miscarriage (when, obviously, I had NOT) and gave me medicine that was supposed to hurry it along.

     Long story short, baby is indeed just fine, but I had many, many tests to make sure the medicine didn't hurt our little boy.  

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