I did it yesterday. Got the results back in 30min. Crazy...
My value at 1hr. was 162 should be less than 180 Woo Hoo!
My value at 2hr. 160 should be less than 155 BOO!! 5 away,
My value at 3hr. 157 should be less than 140 WHAT??? That is way off.
Still waiting for Dr. to call me to see if she says this is a fail or a pass...I know you can't fail two or you don't pass. But 5 off is really close, so I wish they would call me already.
Re: 3Hr. Glucose Test
I kind of doubt they'd pass you just because your 2 hour reading was close. It is technically over the limit, and your 3 hour was pretty well above the limit, which does seem to indicate a problem. I'm so sorry you have to worry about this--hopefully your doctor will call you soon and let you know one way or another.
Good luck!!