I had my 1st u/s at 7 weeks. They told me to drink 32 oz of water an hour prior and to not urinate in that hour. By the time I got to the appointment I was ready to pee all over the waiting room. The nurse even commented on how full I was and sympathized when she saw my bladder on the screen- blocking anyone else from using the restroom until I waddled over there afterwards. It was really incomfortable for me and quite frankly I didn't enjoy the u/s too much.
So, they gave me the same instructions this time. I'm considering cutting it to 20 oz. Thoughts?
Re: Question about the big u/s
Can you call and ask them. Since they know the problem from last time, maybe they'll ok it? It would suck to not have enough liquid in you and the u/s doesn't work.
not at all.. i peed right before leaving my apt. and luckily for my pregnant belly i had to go again as soon as i got there. (actually i had to go in the middle of my US too)..
I just had mine on Monday and went in with a full bladder assuming I was supposed to. The u/s tech got the wand on my belly and said, "Your bladder is busting! Do you want to go pee?" Evidentally you don't have to drink a lot if you're in the 2nd trimester. She said it happens all the time.
I was told that the first ultrasound (about 8 weeks) they make you drink water b/c it is harder to see unless your bladder is full b/c your uterus is still so small. They only make you drink water if you are going the belly route though. If you have a vaginal probe your bladder has to be empty. I had both so I had to come having drunk 32 oz of water and then empty my bladder after the belly portion was over.
My second one (about 12 weeks) they did not tell me to drink water, but I drank about 20oz and they said it was better that I did.
For my third one (20 weeks) I was told that I wouldn't have to drink water b/c my uterus would be plenty big by that time for viewing. I know they still prohibit women from using the bathroom there until after the ultrasound though.