2nd Trimester

Poll: When did you/will you set up your crib?

We live in a two-bedroom duplex and so once our crib is up in the back room, it'll officially be the nursery and DH won't be able to watch TV, be on his computer and play video games back there. Or, he will for awhile longer, but it'll definitely be more crowded.

Yet we're both pretty eager to set up the crib and start setting up the nursery. We're thinking of doing it next weekend (26 weeks pg) but I'm wondering if that's too early. Will it be silly to have a crib up for 3+ months before he's here? When did you/will you set up yours?

(And bonus question while we're at it - we already have our travel system and I'm eager to put that together, too. Too early again since it'll just be sitting around? Or should we get it done?) 

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Re: Poll: When did you/will you set up your crib?

  • Our crib should arrive at 22 wks, and we'll probably set it up right away.  We won't put the bedding on because it will just get dusty and need to be washed in a month, but we'll put it together.
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  • Pffffft. My mom wanted to buy the crib ASAP so we ordered it and it came within 4 days. I had the crib assembled in the nursery at 12 weeks.

    I'd say if you have the energy to assemble/prepare for LO then by all means go for it.

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  • We'll be putting ours up as soon as we get it, mostly because we don't really have a nursery so I won't get to paint and decorate and do that whole nesting thing. Plus, we won't be getting it until probably around 30 weeks.
  • With R (and will be same for this baby), the furniture was delivered/set up about 2 months before edd.

    If you would like to do it, go for it!  (Actually, if you are participating in the assembly of any of the gear, you should probably do it sooner rather than later when bending and all that get's more difficult.)

  • Hey girl! We set ours up this week!! 24 weeks... its sooo fun having it up and going in her room.
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  • Also, on a practical note- I'd want to assemble it sooner than later... what if you are missing a part or something?
  • ummmm... yesterday? lol. I got a little excited when it came to the nursery. We're 20 weeks, and all the big stuff is done. I like to sit in the glider in the mornings and have a daily little chat with Webster. I'm glad its all set up, even if it is super early.
  • Around 28 weeks I think for ds. We have already moved it into the new nursery, though. 
  • I guess we need to get one first, huh? I keep wishing that my MIL will buy us one!!! She's looking at our registry at least and I went ahead and put our crib and changing table on there, so maybe she'll surprise us! I doubt it, but maybe, just maybe.
  • We live in a 2 bedroom condo and we set up our crib back in April or May....I think we were just really excited to get it set-up. 

    That room is a work in progress because we don't have a garage so everything from camping equipment, power tools and cleaning supplies are in there...plus it's also our office.  I really want to move to a 3/2 house that doesn't share walls with our (shitty) neighbors!

  • I'll be getting the baby's room ready in August (I guess that will be around 22 weeks.  We're swaping the twin bed that's in there now with the convertible that DD is using.  I want her to be settled into her "new" room well before DS comes.  If you're ready to get it together then go ahead.
    Proud Air Force Wife!
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  • We set ours up last weekend on my V-day. We got the room painted and the bedding in so we decided to put it all together last weekend. Still waiting for my changing table/dresser to be made and to hang some stuff on the walls. The bed is ready for her already!

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  • rc1276rc1276 member

    When it arrives, which unfortunately looks like it may be AFTER the baby is born. Stupid Munire and its 4 month delivery time. Thank goodness we have a pack n play.

    PSA for those early in 2nd tri: Order your crib now.

  • Our crib has been set up since I was 13 weeks.  There is no mattress in it yet and we haven't picked out the bedding.  Just the crib with a whole bunch of diapers and little things in it for now
  • We haven't even went to look at cribs yet. Indifferent
  • We set our crib up at 22 weeks and our travel system at 23 weeks. My reasons for getting it done early was to get it done before it gets too hot and before I am too big to help DH.
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    BFP#1 on 02/14/09 BIRTH to Mason 6lb9oz on 10/12/09

    BFP#2 on 5/28/11 EDD 2/1/12 Natural M/C on 6/13/11

    BFP#3 on 1/20/12 EDD 9/30/12 Natural m/c on 1/27/12

    BFP#4 on 4/23/12 BIRTH to Isabella 7lb1oz on 12/19/12

  • We ordered it at 19 weeks and it should arrive with the rest of the furniture somewhere around 30-32 weeks... we will set everything up at that point.
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  • We set ours up around 20 weeks. I LOVE walking by it everyday.  We also set up the bedding so we could get the true feel of how everything will look.  I plan on washing everything closer to my DD. I say, if you guys are ready...go ahead and set it up.  It truly is a galvanizing event that helps make things that much more real.  The more prepared you are up front...the less you will have to worry about and stress about later on.

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  • Our crib is put together already, but in another room for now until we clean out the area where it will go. It will be put into it's normal place whenever cleaning is finished (probably by the end of next week), just so that we have one less thing to worry about.
  • Around 19 weeks, I think? It was early, but the crib came in early and I wanted to be sure there weren't any missing or defective pieces. I also didn't want to have to deal with putting furniture together in the middle of the summer without the benefit of central air.
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  • We put ours up at around 22 weeks, I hope to have the room done by Aug. I go back to work full time in Aug for 2 moths so I want to have everthing done.
  • We are putting the crib in our room since we are in a 1 bdrm... and want to do it soon.  I figure I have the energy now to move around and organize things before the baby is born.  Soon, I'll be too tired to do anything.  I rather have it "in the way" and not used now... but I know it's done and wont have to worry or stress about it as time draws near. 

    I vote you do it ASAP and relax later. 

    Hopefully we'll have time this weekend or next to set ours up. 

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