2nd Trimester

Co-ed showers?

Is anyone having a co-ed shower? I am having 2 showers and never really thought about having any guys at either, but DH likes to be involved in stuff so I just ran it by him to see if he would like to be included in one of the showers. He's actually considering it.

So now I'm wondering, do guys hate this? If I have a co-ed shower and women make their male counterparts come with are they going to be absolutely miserable the whole time?

Anyone with any experience in this? What do you do to make it fun for the guys?

Re: Co-ed showers?

  • We're doing a co-ed shower, but making sure that there are plenty of "man" games to play. We'll be BBQing, there will be beer, and I think we're setting up poker. I have also heard rumors of an obstacle course?
  • I'm having 2 showers and one of them will be a co-ed shower.  It's basically just a family shower with everyone on my dads side.  My aunt is just maknig dinner and we will visit since I live out of town.
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  • abrazzabrazz member
    Just went to my friends co-ed shower (which made me think of something else entirely at first lol), and it was so much fun.  The guys sat out back and grilled and drank beer while all the ladies did the present and game thing.  DH said he had a lot of fun and would like to do it that way too.

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  • ivs112ivs112 member
    Most of the showers I've been to have been co-ed. The guys just hang out together and basically ignore all the baby stuff going on around them. They always seem to have a good time.
  • It would depend on if dh was friends with the spouse of whoever's shower we were going to & also what the plan was. If he was forced inside with women & regular shower activites, he would probably kill me. If it was guys outside bbqing & drinking beer while women were inside & he was friends with the guy then he would probably go.
  • We're having one.  Dh and I are traveling 10 hours for me to have a shower with my family, so I don't think it would be nice of me to leave DH on his own the entire day.  Plus it's time he gets to spend with my family, who we only see a few times a year.
  • We had an awesome outdoor shower for my SIL.  All the men did their grilling there or beforehand and all the ladies brought the side dishes.  It was yummy, the guys got to show off, and it was fun!  My brother loved being there to help with the presents too!

  • I wanted a co-ed shower with our friends, but a) didn't want to throw our own shower and b) DH thought his friends would be scared away with the word "shower"

    So we are having a Welcome Baby BBQ (with baby back ribs and baby red potatoes) at the end of the summer for our friends. No games, so the men won't be scared away, and no gifts so it's not a shower.

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  • My ILs are throwing a sort of Jack and Jill shower/party. It'll be more of a party at night vs. a shower, I think. That's probably because we live out of state though so it's a great way for us to see all our family & friends at once. But I'm sure people will bring gifts, etc, even though it's not really a "shower". I love the idea of it being more of a party though than centered around the gifts. I hate opening in front of people - so awkward!

  • I had a friend who had obstacle course relays where the men had to compete with prego bellies attached, it was so fun that the non pregnant wonem did it too.  They also had a baby themed treasure hunt that was a blast.  Most men love treasure hunts.
  • I have been to several and am planning to have one as well. Mine will not be showery with games and cheesy things though. We will likely have it at a hall with dinner and music and a TV at the bar so guys can watch the game if need be.
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  • We're doing a co-ed picnic, which will be less of a shower and more of a large get-together. We'll have water balloon tosses, frisbee, etc. I'm excited because I love my husband's friends, and it'll give our friends with kids the chance to come.  
  • I didn't have one, but I've been to a couple.  The best ones are when the couple didn't spend a lot of time opening gifts (because they guys get annoyed and bored and some get totally uncomfortable around baby stuff), and definitely offer alcohol.  And absolutely no games unless they are like horseshoes and washers and such. :) 
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