Is anyone having a co-ed shower? I am having 2 showers and never really thought about having any guys at either, but DH likes to be involved in stuff so I just ran it by him to see if he would like to be included in one of the showers. He's actually considering it.
So now I'm wondering, do guys hate this? If I have a co-ed shower and women make their male counterparts come with are they going to be absolutely miserable the whole time?
Anyone with any experience in this? What do you do to make it fun for the guys?
Re: Co-ed showers?
We had an awesome outdoor shower for my SIL. All the men did their grilling there or beforehand and all the ladies brought the side dishes. It was yummy, the guys got to show off, and it was fun! My brother loved being there to help with the presents too!
I wanted a co-ed shower with our friends, but a) didn't want to throw our own shower and b) DH thought his friends would be scared away with the word "shower"
So we are having a Welcome Baby BBQ (with baby back ribs and baby red potatoes) at the end of the summer for our friends. No games, so the men won't be scared away, and no gifts so it's not a shower.
My ILs are throwing a sort of Jack and Jill shower/party. It'll be more of a party at night vs. a shower, I think. That's probably because we live out of state though so it's a great way for us to see all our family & friends at once. But I'm sure people will bring gifts, etc, even though it's not really a "shower". I love the idea of it being more of a party though than centered around the gifts. I hate opening in front of people - so awkward!
After 7 years trying to concieve, 3 failed IUIs and 2 failed IVFs, my third IVF was a success!
My Christmas baby turned into a turkey bird! Dillon Richard was born at 34 weeks, 5 days on November 28, 2009 after 10 weeks on bedrest for preeclampsia.
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