2nd Trimester

my cervix is shortening I am so nervous!

When I went for my US on Tuesday they told me my cervix was already shortening. ?I am only at 2.7 and should be around 4 or 5. ?I have to go back on Tuesday and get measured again if it gets near 2 I need to have a cerclage done. ?Had anyone had this problem? ?I am keeping my feet up as much as possible and praying for it to get better.?

Re: my cervix is shortening I am so nervous!

  • Definitely post this over on the High Risk Pregnancy board - a bunch of women over there have experienced this.
  • I will keep you in my thoughts.  A cerclage will help hold your LO in there and I heard it isn't painful at all.  Are they going to put you on bedrest too?
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