So I'm home today (a rarity on a weekday!) until my 3pm U/S.
I can't decide what to eat today... and there's an excellent sushi place that does weekday lunch specials right around the corner (your choice of 3 rolls + soup + salad for $9! )I also have lots of tasty things to graze on around the house.
What's a girl to do?
Re: Important decision to make...
2007-Sept 2008: TTC the old fashioned way
Sept 2008 - Jan 2009: Clomid 100mg
Feb 2009: 200mg Clomid = BFP! on March 20, 2009 - It's a BOY!
Nov 26th 2009: Aidan Michael, 20.5" 7lb12oz
Feb 2010: Start TTC again, the old fashioned way
Mar - June 2011: Clomid 100mg
July 2011: Unmedicated cycle = BFP! on August 29th, 2011
Nov 6th 2011: m/c due to subchorionic hematoma
Dec 2011: Start TTC again, unmedicated
February 12th, 2012: BFP! EDD 10/23/12
Mar 12th 2012: diagnosed as blighted ovum
Trying again..
I'd definitely have something to eat now, before stepping out. I'm assuming that you are stepping out around wouldn't want to starve yourself. Grazing at food could turn out worst than just having a bowl of cereal.
Anyhoo.....hmmmm...sushi sounds yummy!
Sushi for sure!!!
I would love to have place around here with a special like that!