Are there still days when you are feeling less movement than other days. I am a teacher and am off for the summer. The days I am up running errands and hitting the gym (4-5 days a week) I feel LO a lot less. It has only been the very few days I have stayed in relaxing that I feel little one a lot. Do you feel llittle one all day every day even if you are running errands, gym, etc? TIA
Re: Active 25-26 weekers....
I think when you're more active you just don't notice every little kick, you know? If I'm home relaxing I notice them a lot more...
I did not meant going to the gym makes the bbay less active. I meant when you are more active, working out, running errands, do you feel the baby less because of all the activity you are participating in.
Funny you should ask this questions - I've been thinking about this a lot lately. Basically every night for a few nights in a row, I would wake up in the middle of the night feeling LO kicking but then it stopped and it hasn't happened as much in the last 2-3 days. But, I think when they finally tell you start counting kicks (around 28 weeks), you're supposed to feel 10 in one hour (you just pick an hour out of the day, not every hour). If there are any less then you should call the doctor. I am still feeling 10 kicks in an hour when he is active so I'm not going to worry. I see the doctor on Tuesday, though, and will probably ask just to be safe.
It's a little nerve wracking when you don't feel anything - that's for sure!!
Most days are consistent, however, ditto many of the previous posts about movement rocking the baby. I just read about this the other day. You are supposed to feel baby more during times of relaxation, such as sitting or laying in bed. Most women won't notice kicking during times of running errands or exercising because their minds are focused at the task at hand.
My LO has a routine...she is very active in the morning, especially after breakfast (due to sugar in blood), then she kicks sporadically during the day. At night she'll start to kick a little more but never enough to keep me awake at night.
Same here. And I have yet to SEE kicks, too.