2nd Trimester

Literally NO bump at 15 weeks?

Curious, how many of you are not showing at all at 15 weeks?  I'm tall.  I'm a tiny bit overweight, but not obese or anything.  I haven't gained even one pound so far.  Even when I lay down at night, my stomach is totally flat.  Hummm. I guess it's a good thing, because my clothes are fitting great still.  A friend of mine is one week ahead of me and she is showing like crazy!  But, she's really petite and tiny and I know everyone is different.  Anyone else share this confusion? 

Re: Literally NO bump at 15 weeks?

  • I thought I had a bump, but I didn't really pop at all until 16 weeks.
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  • I wasnt at 15 wks. Im still not really showing yet & Im past 21 wks.
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  • i just started showing and im 19 wks. everyone is different

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  • everyone is different and will show at different points.  15 weeks is where I was able to begin to see a little change...

    my 15 week belly:


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  • I'm just starting to slightly show to people that know I'm preg. Others would look and probably just think beer belly .
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  • image4realyo:
    I wasnt at 15 wks. Im still not really showing yet & Im past 21 wks.

    Pretty much this, except I'm 20 wks and change.  I have a small bump that shows in tight shirts, and I am in maternity pants full-time, but maternity shirts are still way too big on me.  Also, my bump deflates almost entirely when I lay down.   

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  • I'm a little over-weight and just noticed my belly rounding out yesterday (17 wks.)
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  • i didn't really start showing until 16 weeks.  And only gained one pound.
  • i started showing early... because i have 3 other  kids!!  lol
  • Totally normal with your first pregnancy. I carried width-wise with DD, too, so I didn't look pregnant until 20-21 weeks. Until then, I just looked chunky. :) Don't worry, the bump will come!
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  • I did not get a bump until about 20 weeks. I am tall (about 5'10) All my family are like is there a baby in there, but I have started showinga little bit. So it will happen.
  • With my 1st I didn't show or gain anything until I was in my 7th month, with my 2nd I was in my 6th month.  This time around, however, I feel like I peed on the stick and started to show!  I wasn't overweight when I got pg any of the times so it isn't necissarily that.  Just enjoy it, you'll show soon enough and the novelty will wear off quickly!  =)
  • I felt bloated, but had no bump at 15 weeks. I didn't have a noticeable bump until 22 weeks, and I'm short!
  • the first time around I "thought" I had something there but it was more of wishful thinking.  No bump was really noticeable until 18-20 weeks. 
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  • I had nothing at 15 weeks either and I'm really short. You're right, everyone is different.  I just started to show about 5 weeks ago but a girl I work with is 1 month ahead of me and has been showing since she was about 14 weeks pregnant. 
  • imageangel22:
    With my 1st I didn't show or gain anything until I was in my 7th month, with my 2nd I was in my 6th month.  This time around, however, I feel like I peed on the stick and started to show!  I wasn't overweight when I got pg any of the times so it isn't necissarily that.  Just enjoy it, you'll show soon enough and the novelty will wear off quickly!  =)
    Yes  totally!!!!!!
  • I barely have a bump now, and I'm 22 weeks. Be patient, like you said, everyone is different.
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  • with my first child i didnt show till after 6 months. this pregnancy im now 15 weeks and have a TINY bump that only close family can see.

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  • Everyone keeps tellin me I just look like I put on some wieght but that I don't look pregnant yet.  Guess I still have not fully popped. LOL
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  • At 15 weeks I just looked bloated.  Sort of a poochy, need to get out and exercise look.  At 20 weeks I finally had a permanent belly, now at 24 weeks I can now lay on my back and still have a bump.

  • I haven't gained any weight either but my clothes don't fit right. 

    I just look fat...not pregnant yet...heh.

  • I will be 16 weeks tomorrow and have absolutely no bump.  This is my first pregnancy.  I'm thankful that I can still fit into all of my prepregnancy clothes ;)
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  • You'll start to show more towards the middle of your 2nd trimester.  Then again, everyone is different.  I started to show about around 19/20 weeks. 
  • I have a very small one.  I've only gained like 2lbs.
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  • Your ticker suggests you already have a child yet you're asking us if no bump at 15 weeks is normal? Hmm

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  • I had pudge at 15 weeks, but I really didn't show until 20-21.
  • imageMonsieur_et_Madame_Ha:

    Your ticker suggests you already have a child yet you're asking us if no bump at 15 weeks is normal? Hmm


    Yes, considering I was showing at that point with my first child.  I was much younger...and thinner.  Just curious is all.

  • I am tall too, and I am not shwing really either.  I asked my Dr about it on Tuesday because people at work kept commenting about the lack of bump and weight gain, and I was starting to get paranoid.  She told me everything was fine, and she was happy she was not having to have the "slow down" conversation with me. 

    I figure because we are tall we have more room for the baby to grow before creating a bump!! 

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