Sweeping and dusting. With 2 dogs and a cat it's like an every other day occurance. I wouldn't mind it as much if I got to go a week without having to sweep.
This! ?I will wash with no problem but the folding and putting away is the worst. ?I have a chair in the bedroom where all my clean clothes go until I feel like putting them away. ?Its my only "messy spot" in the house. ? It kills my OCD husband. ?
Me: 30, DOR with a FSH of 12.5
DH: 31, no issues
4-6/2012 100mg of Clomid + trigger + IUI/TI = BFN
7/2012 150mg of Gonal-f + trigger + IUI = BFN
8/2012 Surprise unmedicated BFP!! Due May 8, 2013
Definitely folding and putting away laundry. The worst being the whites. It's a basket full of undershirts, socks, and underwear. Feels like I fold those loads for hours.
dishes.. and for so long it was making me sick so I'm afraid to do them!
I hate doing the dishes. Especially when my husband has left rubbermaid containers in the truck for a day! He has started taking care of those now so I don't gag. Scrubbing the shower is also dreaded.
I loathe the dishes! I hate doing them so much that when DH and I were dating in college...he would come over on the weekends and my roomate and I would have stacks of dishes piled in our kitchen. He would do our dishes because we both hated doing them so much. I can honestly say that I've done dishes maybe 3 times total since we've been married..and it's going on 7 years now!
I hate doing dishes, but DH hates doing them more so I often get stuck with them. They've gotten a little better because I almost have DH trained to rinse out his dishes when he's done with them. I hate it though. I've though several times about hiring someone to come in and do our dishes every couple of days, which is totally impractical on so many levels, but that's just how much I despise them.
100% folding laundry. THE WORST. We both avoid it like the plague.
This. We don't mind running the wash, but the folding and putting away can take weeks. Half of the time, just leave it in the 'clean' hamper and throw it in the dryer when it's time to wear it.
Mc 6/2/08 at 6w2d * CP 11/22/08 * CP 1/21/09 - Dx compound heterozygous MTHFR 3/23/09 - BFP 3/24/09
I hate cleaning the bathroom although I am very good at it and have been since I started having chores at age 13. I always got stuck cleaning the bathroom even if it was my younger sister's turn. Yuck, I hate the smell of the toilet.
I must be the only weird one here, but I actually don't mind cleaning and especially doing the laundry. I feel really good after I'm done cleaning since I tend to be OCD about cleanliness. Strangely, I'd rather clean than cook. I HATE cooking!
I absolutely hate cooking, which is dumb since we have to eat. I hate cooking and planning what I am cooking. I feel like I am in a rut half the time and even ask hubby for ideas, which gets me no where. "I like whatever you fix honey". Grrr. I love to eat, but hate to cook. If we ever hit the lottery, which we don't play, I would definately hire a cook! Though I normally hate cooking, heat waves like we are having right now make cooking so much worse. I am currently trying to find the best ways to make food without the oven. I just gets too hot!
Sweeping... so I don't do it. I vacuum or swiffer instead.
"For a long time there were only your footprints & laughter in our dreams & even from such small things, we knew we could not wait to love you forever."
Cleaning up Annie's (our black lab) vomit from where she drinks her water too fast and gets choked and then pukes. I have no idea how to fix that and it is slimey and clear and I get so sick. So there we are puking together.
Wasing dishes by hand (when the dishwasher can't get the gunk off) and cleaning the bathroom. Particularly the toilet...under the seat. Come on guys, can't we do a little better than that?
Re: Poll: What is your least favorite chore?
My baby is two!!! Baby girl 9/17/09
My other baby is still a baby! Baby Boy 11-30-11
I can only pick one?
Putting away laundry.
cleaning in general..... but I would have to say I hate dusting the most!
Sweeping and dusting. With 2 dogs and a cat it's like an every other day occurance. I wouldn't mind it as much if I got to go a week without having to sweep.
This! ?I will wash with no problem but the folding and putting away is the worst. ?I have a chair in the bedroom where all my clean clothes go until I feel like putting them away. ?Its my only "messy spot" in the house. ? It kills my OCD husband. ?
DH: 31, no issues
4-6/2012 100mg of Clomid + trigger + IUI/TI = BFN
7/2012 150mg of Gonal-f + trigger + IUI = BFN
8/2012 Surprise unmedicated BFP!! Due May 8, 2013
Definitely folding and putting away laundry. The worst being the whites. It's a basket full of undershirts, socks, and underwear. Feels like I fold those loads for hours.
I hate doing the dishes. Especially when my husband has left rubbermaid containers in the truck for a day!
He has started taking care of those now so I don't gag. Scrubbing the shower is also dreaded.
is going to work considered a chore? than that would be mine.
I must be weird. I don't mind laundry or cleaning the bathroom as a whole.
My very specific most hared chores are:
1. Cleaning hair out of the bathtub drains
2. Smashing bugs.
These are both relegated to DH. In return I do the chores that require sponges since DH abhors touching a sponge.
This. We don't mind running the wash, but the folding and putting away can take weeks. Half of the time, just leave it in the 'clean' hamper and throw it in the dryer when it's time to wear it.
Wasing dishes by hand (when the dishwasher can't get the gunk off) and cleaning the bathroom. Particularly the toilet...under the seat. Come on guys, can't we do a little better than that?