2nd Trimester

big ultrasound..who goes?

Obviously my husband will join, but my 19 yr old sister wants to go to. Has anyone else ever taken another family member to the big ultrasound? Need advice..thanks!


Re: big ultrasound..who goes?

  • My mom went with me. Dh was out of town on business and she really wanted to go
    Sarah, 35 bumping from NE Ohio
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  • My mom and sister were in town, so I took them along.  It's rare that they are here, so I called and asked my OB if it was okay.  You would have thought I had told my mom I was giving her a million dollars when i said she could go.

    I don't think it's common, but it's not unheard of. 


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  • Only my DH went with me.  But some people take moms, sisters, etc.  It's really up to you. 
  • My Momma goes with me to every appointment, I kind of have a big medical history, and she's a nurse, so it makes things go smoother. My DH has only made it to 2 appointments so far. Both Mom and DH were at the big u/s.
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  • Just DH and I, I know some of my family wants to go but I think we'll let it be something special for the 2 of us. My Dr. records the ultrasounds so they can watch the video and it's almost the same  :P
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  • MIL tried to tell me she has been for her other sons, too bad! it will be just me and DH, i find this ultrasound to be extra special!
  • Me and DH will be the only ones in the room when they reveal what it is. ?And, my BFF lives near us and none of our family is around so her and her H will be there for the rest of it (t's a 3-D at a local business) Then, Dinner!
  • Dont forget to ask your ultrasound clinic, cause mine only allowed one person. No choice to bring a person outside of my DH.
  • Just SO & I - the room was far too small for anyone else.
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  • My 20-year-old sister really wanted to go, but DH said no.  I'm glad because there would have been no room for her!  Plus it was nice having just DH there. 

    We are doing a 3D ultrasound at 25 weeks, which is at a facility that allows up to 6 guests.  We'll be bringing my sister, MIL, BIL, and my 11-year-old step son. 

  • Just DH, but the room is really small at my OB. I am going to ask if we can being a tape or something to record it so I can share it with our parents.
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  • Just DH and I, this is something we just wanted to share together.  We can tell everyone about it later.
  • It was DH and I to find out what we were having, Then my mom and MIL came in for the rest. I am really glad I had them come, They really enjoyed it and so did I. But it is what ever you and your DH want. Also you may want to check with your dr to how many can come. Mine would let there be four people total counting me.
  • abrazzabrazz member
    Dh and my younger sister were supposed to be the only ones.  Mom would have been there but she lives 10 hours away Sad But when we met up with my sister my brother-in-law was with her and so he came in too which freaked me out a little cause I was afraid the ultrasound tech was going to pull my pants down a little too far and poor Tony would see more of his SIL than he ever wanted to see.  I am glad they were both there cause this is both of their first times being an aunt and uncle Big Smile

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  • I have decided to take her along! it's our 1st child, parents first grandchild, sisters first niece/nephew...At first I kinda felt as if it would be more special with DH & myself but she's a big part of my life so if she really wants to go, i can't say no to her. I'm SoOoo excited my app is at 9:30 CA time Smile



  • My DH and aunt are going to the big U/S, although I've been told that my aunt can't come in until the last 10 minutes.



  • My dad and mom were there with DH.
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