I'm 13 weeks along today, and it seems that I don't know if I'm in my 1st or 2nd trimester. I've seen some people say after 12w it's 2nd tri, others say not until 14w. Someone even said it's 13w 2d.
I don't really care, but just wondering if anyone knows the correct time?
Re: 1st tri/2nd tri?
Hahaha...thanks! For some reason, entering the 2nd trimester makes me feel safer about this baby! Tomorrow I have my NT scan and I am so scared even though I have no reason to be at all.
Ahh..it feels good to know people are here to talk to that have already been through what I'm going through. Yay
Hah. Well said.
Just for your info, I think its generally accepted on these boards to move either when you feel comfortable, or when you hit 13 w 3 days. =P