2nd Trimester

1st tri/2nd tri?

I'm 13 weeks along today, and it seems that I don't know if I'm in my 1st or 2nd trimester. I've seen some people say after 12w it's 2nd tri, others say not until 14w. Someone even said it's 13w 2d.

 I don't really care, but just wondering if anyone knows the correct time?


TIA :)

Re: 1st tri/2nd tri?

  • According to the text books you're in second tri already Smile
  • A lot of people divide 40 weeks by 3, for the 3 trimesters.
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  • Are you sick of talking about lunch meat and BFPs? Welcome to 2nd tri. Now you can get sick of shower and weight posts.
  • Hahaha...thanks! For some reason, entering the 2nd trimester makes me feel safer about this baby! Tomorrow I have my NT scan and I am so scared even though I have no reason to be at all.


    Ahh..it feels good to know people are here to talk to that have already been through what I'm going through. Yay :)

  • imageOliveBerry:
    Are you sick of talking about lunch meat and BFPs? Welcome to 2nd tri. Now you can get sick of shower and weight posts.

    Hah. Well said. :)

    ~*~Meghann~*~ Type 1, insulin dependant diabetic for 11 years using a pump and sensor. wedding countdown Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Welcome =) 


    Just for your info, I think its generally accepted on these boards to move either when you feel comfortable, or when you hit 13 w 3 days.  =P

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