It's a normal feeling! I was REALLY nervous that something would be wrong with LO before our big u/s. I was soooo wrong! We found out that our baby is perfectly healthy. I bet that your's is perfect too!!!
It'll be awesome. I'm nervous about mine too. Its next Tuesday and for the past two nights I've been having a dream that I'm having a girl. My DH wants a boy really bad, so I guess i'm nervous about what it will be.
I was extremely nervous before mine. I think I got 3 hours of sleep that night at the most. I don't know why either, maybe because the last time I saw my baby, he was a bean and I was scared of him having physically wrong with him? Don't worry, you'll be fine!
I should be excited, but I'm nervous about tomorrow's U/S- like it's an exam I didn't study for. WTH?
I was nervous before mine, and the night before I literally had a dream that I was back in college and was sitting in a final exam for a class I didn't remember registering for.
Oh I was crazy nervous with the first pregnancy and I am already nervous about it this time even though it's not for another 3 weeks. I'm sure everything will be great! Have fun seeing your LO!
i was nervous too just because you never know what can go wrong but i keep faith in god and pray for a safe and healthy pregnancy and baby so dont worry just be excited you get to see the baby since the first ultrasound
Re: Why am I nervous about the big U/S?
TTC#2=July 2011: Surprise BFP: Chemical Pregnancy
Yeah we hope to know what team we're on... Thanks for the support ladies!
I was nervous before mine, and the night before I literally had a dream that I was back in college and was sitting in a final exam for a class I didn't remember registering for.