Hi sweetie!
I just read your post! A fellow bumpie on SAL let me know that your baby has a CPC. I have good news for you!
When I went in for an u/s at 16 weeks to have my cervix checked it ended up being a much longer u/s because they found a cyst on my baby girls brain. The nurse called and gave me the news in the most horrific way. She said that it is a marker for downs and yadda yadda. I was not prepared for the news, nor did I know anything about CPCs. Anything to do with the heart and brain freaks me out. We did some research and were relieved after finding out that most of them go away around 26 weeks and those that dont go away 99% of the time have no effect to the child. My husband and I went in for an u/s at 19 weeks to check on the cyst and the size hadnt changed at all. It was also the only "marker". We had so many people praying for our baby girl and for the cyst to be taken away. 5 days after the u/s where we saw the cyst with our own eyes we went back for another u/s and it was GONE! Completely gone, her brain is clear. It was an answer to our prayers. I just want you to know that after finding out my daughter had this I have talked to soo many other girls who had the same thing with their baby. My one friends daughter had 5 markers, 3 on the brain and 2 on the heart...her baby is totally healthy. Please don't worry. I hope this eases your mind a little. If you have a relationship with Jesus, pray... He answers prayers. I will keep your LO in my prayers and for complete healing. Hang in there!
Re: ** KimberlyJean**
::butting in::
Thank you for sharing your story. My son has two CPC's. It's very reassuring to hear that they really can go away with no negative effects.
You're welcome!! I know how scary it is. It was a major test of faith for us. Just hang in there. I have another friend who has a beautiful 4 year old and she still has the cyst on her brain. She is completely normal and healthy. I hope for your sake that you will get news soon that the cysts are gone so you don't have to worry about it anymore but just cling to the hope that your precious son will be completely normal!