2nd Trimester

Do you ever get distracted by the baby kicking?

The baby's been super active all day today and it's been so distracting! (in a good way)

Re: Do you ever get distracted by the baby kicking?

  • I find it to be a good distraction as well.  It makes me giddy!
  • just wait!  With DD I would spend hours just watching my belly move when she was doing her flips and turns.  It made sitting through meetings very hard!
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  • It makes me stop everything and smile!
  • I did find it a distraction, albeit a good one, with DD. I was lucky that I worked in OB/GYN so it wasn't a big deal if I stopped for a second and was like "oh sorry, the baby just kicked super hard!" I love the feeling.
  • It is bad when I am in front of my class and I completely lose track of what I am saying. I look like such a space case.
    Life is either a daring adventure or it is nothing at all. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
  • awww thats so cute cant wait to feel my kicks!!
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