2nd Trimester

men should never comment on a pg lady's weight...ever!

So I just went to lunch with my dad, who is extremely superficial & always has made rude comments about my weight. Anyway, I've already had a talk with him before telling him to never comment on my weight, good or bad, just don't comment. Cause I know he won't be able to say anything unoffensive.

Well he's telling me about this pregnant lady he saw who looked really skinny all over & just had this 'basketball tummy' and I said "yeah I know women who are like that, I hate those lucky girls!" and he has the nerve to say "well she had another kid with her, so I think by the 2nd pregnancy women just tend to figure out how to not gain all that extra weight....Your mom got kinda wide when she was pregnant too." (I'm an only child so I think his point was that she would have figured out how to not get "wide" by the 2nd baby)

I'm like OMFG are you serious right now!? I told him I think it's just more a body type thing, it doesn't mean you're over weight just cause you're not genetically lucky to not gain weight anywhere but your stomach when you're pregnant. Ugh now I feel like a fat cow. What's he gonna think of me in 3 months??

thanks for letting me rant, I'm just so offended & hurt right now - I feel fat enough, I don't need my dad making me feel worse! (oh and side note - my doc says my weight is right on track, so there! haha!)

Re: men should never comment on a pg lady's weight...ever!

  • You look fantastic- remember that men don't usually have the same issues that women do in regards to body image, and so they are not going to understand that it is hurtful when they say things like that.


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  • You look great .. I can see in your pics..Dont let it get to you..there are women who gain only in tummy area but most people gain different places..
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  • You do look fantastic. I say he was just talking. I know my grandfather has a tendency to just spout things out without thinking about how women think about things! Hopefully he wasn't meaning anything directed towards you.

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    2007-Sept 2008: TTC the old fashioned way
    Sept 2008 - Jan 2009: Clomid 100mg
    Feb 2009: 200mg Clomid = BFP! on March 20, 2009 - It's a BOY!
    Nov 26th 2009: Aidan Michael, 20.5" 7lb12oz
    Feb 2010: Start TTC again, the old fashioned way
    Mar - June 2011: Clomid 100mg
    July 2011: Unmedicated cycle = BFP! on August 29th, 2011
    Nov 6th 2011: m/c due to subchorionic hematoma
    Dec 2011: Start TTC again, unmedicated
    February 12th, 2012: BFP! EDD 10/23/12
    Mar 12th 2012: diagnosed as blighted ovum
    Trying again..
  • My dad asked me what my doctor thought about my weight gain.  I told him she said I'm right on track and he said, "Oh, I guess I'm just used to skinny pregnant ladies.  Your mom hardly gained any weight."

    This would be offensive, period, but my mom is anorexic and refused to gain healthy weight while pregnant, so it's especially annoying.   You'd think, since they're divorced, he wouldn't cite her as a shining example. 

    So annoying!  I told my dad to butt the F out.

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  • I think you look beautiful. You've got a gorgeous face and you're not at all "wide." You've got an adorable round baby bump and that's it.

     Sorry your dad acted like an ass.

  • I'm sorry you're dad is so insensitive.  You look absolutely amazing and you will still look amazing in 3 months!! :)  Try to ignore everything your dad says about weight 'cause it's obvious that he doesn't know what he's talking about!!
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  • You are adorable, but perhaps you could tell your dad what's you've told us.  That he's hurt you and you don't appreciate the rude comments...
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